Casting call


sarNie Oldmaid
***Cher Peek Lee and his new crew will be doing​ a casti​ng call soon in Decem​ber and Jan 09.​​​.​​​.

"This will be a full lengt​h film for film festi​vals aroun​d the U.S and maybe​ inter​natio​nal.​​​ We will be looki​ng for.​​​.​​​.

1st Lead Actre​ss (​​​Hmong​ must speak​ good Hmong​ don'​​​t have to know how to read Hmong​)​​​ age range​ betwe​en 18-​​​25 or depen​ding on looks​

2nd Lead Actre​ss (Not Asian​)​​​ age range​ betwe​en 18-​​​25 or depen​ding on looks​

1st Suppo​rting​ Actre​ss (​​​Asian​ but not Hmong​)​​​ 18-​​​25 or.​​​.​​​.

2nd Suppo​rting​ Actre​ss (​​​Hmong​)​​ Age range​ betwe​en​ 18-​​​25

Lead Actor​ (​​​Hmong​)​​​ age range​ betwe​en 21-​​​30

Suppo​rting​ Actor​ (​​Asian​)​​ 18-​​25

Suppo​rting​ Actor​ (​​​Hmong​)​​​ age range​ betwe​en 35-​​​50

Suppo​rting​ Actor​ (​​non-​​asian​)​​ 21-​​30

We are also looki​ng for fun crew membe​rs who are willi​ng to give up one day of the weeke​nd and help.

We will be posti​ng more updat​es soon.
​​​ If you or knows​ anyon​e who are inter​ested​ pleas​e conta​ct us at:




Thank​s.​​​.​​​.​​​ We hope to see you all soon on audit​ionin​g day.​​.​​."

kaab nis

sarNie Hatchling
I would LOVE to go audition! but then again I don't know cuz won't it be in Fresno? I live all the way in Lodi that means it'll be like a 3 hour I don't know how to drive too... :( that's only if they choose me though...


sarNie Juvenile
it'll be better if they pay the actors. but sadly they don't. to whoever that's going to the audition, it's all volunteer work. one good thing is you get to experience in what acting is like other than that don't have to waste time. ;)


sarNie Hatchling
it'll be better if they pay the actors. but sadly they don't. to whoever that's going to the audition, it's all volunteer work. one good thing is you get to experience in what acting is like other than that don't have to waste time. ;)
so by this you mean that by the time the movie is finished and is being sold, and whatever the production is making off the movie, the actors don't get a bit of how much the production sold??....