I find the hand on her back much more meaningful and cuter behind the scenes as it was candid

. Taew normally looks pretty regardless but on the today show she was just glowing with beauty. As much as I loved Mark, Mew no doubt looked gorgeous too. But as soon as Taew walked on to that stage my attention was drawn to her instantly and I lost focused on the other two

I still love you JN but your wife was too pretty not to notice
Look at that face . What an absolute beauty

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I had to SC this cuz he had his hand on her lap then she had her hand on his

yes yes I shipped them so badly

love you JN & MM
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Ok back on topic who is ready for tonight Epi?

Anyway just out of curiosity any one know what are the ratings like for the last few episodes? Because the last few epi has been so interesting and intense .
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