not if it's been mixed with liquor lolLol but like Liquid Viagra will make you have an erection, it doesn't cloud your mind, so he should be able to still think normallyyyy lol
oh yeah didn't see how he was waiting for her outside by the gates, he got frustrated when another man took her home lolCan her glasses not be any bigger? lol! Can't stand looking at it.
Seems like he's slowly falling for her.
Lol it would have to be ALOT of liquor to cloud your mind that much. The only real risk of mixing viagra with liquor is drop in blood pressure. I am probably overthinking that part TOO much lol.not if it's been mixed with liquor lol)
Unfortunately, yes. In all versions she has a miscarriage, it is actually one of the key parts of the story.She's going to have a miscarriage?!?!?!?!???
yes and we can see this from the trailers. it'll go according to the originalShe's going to have a miscarriage?!?!?!?!???
it was mixed into a strong wine or so, It's been shown on one of the cooking scene with his sec. If I find I'll post it hereLol it was probably more than liquid Viagra. Probably mixed with other stuff like those ya-dong mix3d with all types of herbs and roots.
The country is in mourning for his highness's funeral cremation so most if not all entertainment will be halted til November. Last week episode they mentioned this before the episode started.Episode 9 was supposed to update today. I wonder what happened.
I like how this version he was kind of interested in her from the beginning like when they ran into each other on the boat. He was disappointing that she didn't recognize him. I'm also digging the jealous scene with Taiya. There actually has been a lot of good scenes: the shower, selfies on the bed, him chasing after her on the bus. I'm getting excited, but I'm dreading the miscarriage and when Kaah returns. The pace of the story is good. It doesn't feel rushed or too slow, which some Thai Lakorns do. Has anyone noticed we don't see any teasers of her after she comes back other than the airport. Ester will rock the comeback version of Wanida.
Yes looks like it.They are resuming on Monday 10/30/17? I saw a preview with that date.