Ahaha yeah Pantip drives me crazy whenever i enter that site. Lol xD
I think the ID section could be like your passport picture or something like that. i'm not so sure..
It's sooo..BLaahhh~ XP Ahahaha jk ;D
Yeah~ I ALSO fear for whoever is going to remake Sawan Biang 10 years from now!
Ahahaha since a remake is always like 10 years later. Lol
Oh! &&Oom Ruk
These were Great lakorns that i know for sure most actors & Actress
will not be able to really pull it off.
Ken did do a Fantastic job portraying Kawee. The expressions, emotioons, & All
were soooo...KAWEE! aahahaha...
Ken&Ann always do a GREAT job protraying their characters together&all...
I like SAWAN BIANG ALOT! xD It really is Ken's best Lakorn, where he did a
Magnificent job playing the character.
They should just end it there with KAteam playing SB. Lol xD
No more remakes...they should really just pull out some fanfics & Do a lakorn
from it. Ahahahahaha ~
sarNworld would be the perfect place to get your fanfics to do a lakorn on.
Ahahaha supperr 'HOT' in those FF's. xD
Lol iluvjin xD
I think it is the same team from last year...
i can't wait to see it.
Yeah...i will have to agree with whoever said it...i don't remember. Lol
that the best player should win it, not favoritism..
Like when Aum&Ken won, i felt sad because a lot of ppl criticized them both
in a way...Aum did give his best effort..but ken, i'm not so sure..
but he did try shooting that goal but missed it. ROFL xD