Despite a disappointing EP9 they did include a few nice LipYa scenes for us LipYa shippers. So here:
Favorite LipYa scenes continued...
Boss is too cute. Despite being heartbroken over that darn email he's still got his playful personality. He's really good at hiding his true feelings.
"I know your secrets."
I think that's what their conversation was about. Haha. Well, either way. Saya, Boss knows you inside and out, so just give up. This particular part isn't all that romantic, but I just love the way Boss sat down and talked to Saya.
"Come on baby!"
If I were Saya I would've totally jumped on Lip like a wild cat. HAHA. Who can refuse such offer?? It's so funny how Saya totally beat Lip up for messing around with her too. The come on baby was definitely the best part. HEHE.
"Best for last."
I absolutely love this scene. So romantic. I like how it's different from other lakorns. They don't sleep and cuddle on a bed, instead they face-cuddle on a couch! Beautiful, just beautiful. I swear LipYa gets the best romantic acts. I guess that makes up for their lack of many romantic scenes.
To be continued...