Haha. After Mark's little incident the hype kind of died down.janajelly1 said:
I'm here, just sitting in my dark emo corner... XD
Haha. After Mark's little incident the hype kind of died down.janajelly1 said:
I'm here, just sitting in my dark emo corner... XD
well we didn't go anywhere (as mk ) but it just their is not so much photo of them filming for mk but sooo much for AM (anne mark) and this is an examplephatman said:Really? I gotta go check it out!
What happened to all MK fans...? And where are my AP buds?? Haha. I'm here...~all by myself~
I love Ann and Rome! Wish they'd reunitehimyim said:Unfortunately I don't think they did filming today but my dreams came true today lol.. I was watch chaleuy suk and craved for ROME & ANN!! And just then anne posted a photo with him today.. Wonder what they are doing? Photoshoot
hmmm i think you will have to wait quite a while because their's not so much fan who takes pics of AP when they film outside it's more about annemarkim the character of peter still doesn't enter strongly in the story sooo beside the pic from the crew who works with i don't know where the pics of AP can be found :scratchhead2: :shrug: :bhehe: but don't lose hope it will come sooner or laterphatman said:I don't mind updates at all! Haha. Just keep them coming. I'll just cross my fingers and hope for some AP. Hehe.
it's for you specially because you hope for something but sorry that's all they can give you the all day no special AP picsphatman said:Oka. Peter seriously needs to watch that belly. Haha. You can see it protruding on the sides! Haha. But, still love you regardless Peter...Hehe.
Omg, I hope there's more pics!!
I don't want to either, but my AP hype is just not letting me down. said:Im still here lol im just occupied with other dramas. Theres gonna be a blast of new dramas ti be air and on top of that lakorns too. And since theres not much on AP, i dont want ti keep demanding for them and get nothing out of it. Sad.