Final Thoughts
Sigh. . . . so. . . I don't even know where to start.

I'm. I'm literally about to cry. Seriously the most anticlimactic disappointing ending ever. Ever!
My thoughts are gonna be all over the place so bear with me. First off I wanna talk about the characters/actors. I think that the overall casting is decent. I absolutely love Ohm as Pookong Kan, Boom as the tiger within Angkor, Tuck as Muad Rit and Oh as Koytee. These guys definitely stood out to me. Ohm has really redeemed himself as one of Ch3's best actors. He made Pookong Kan this diplomatic, protective, manly, tough, macho guy that is hard not to fall in love with. He's definitely one of my favorite pra'eks. I like being protected. As for Boom, I like her. She's cute and her smile is beautiful. However, I find that her acting excels only when she metamorphoses into Tiger, so I really enjoyed seeing her change form and wish there were more of those scenes. Now for Muad Rit, he is like one of my all-time favorite rai's. Tuck played him to perfection. So far I have not been disappointed with any of Tuck's performances whether as the good guy or as the villain. Muad Rit is the only consistent character throughout this lakorn. He knows what he wants and he's going after it to see the end of it no matter who says what! Tuck expresses him well and I really like that. As for Koytee, I am sad that he couldn't have stayed longer. I wish he stayed longer at least to Ep10 or something. I love Oh, so it's no surprise I love Koytee. I love the loyalty and unconditional love that Koytee has for Angkor. I really wish he'd stayed longer. The supporting cast did well. My least favorite character is Phoom Phan or whatever her name is. She was a thorn in my foot and I wish they had not included her. I hate her! With a passion! I really like Ging and still wonder why they suddenly replaced her character. Must've been something personal because I don't see a purpose at all. I didn't really like Ping.
As for the storyline and setting, I'm quite sad that this perfectly setup lakorn failed to execute. I was actually looking forward to some intelligent Indiana Jones-type fantasy adventure, but I got some cheesy romantic joke. Like is searching for that sacred dagger a joke??? The characters are all very inconsistent. One minute they're running for their lives and then another they're all cheesy with eachother, especially Phoom Phan and Angkor's big ole smiles! I'm sorry you guys have beautiful/cute smiles, but it's not appropriate for this type of lakorn. They just can't seem to grasp the mood. If they smile, at least smile appropriately according to mood of the scene. Ok the point is I hate forced romance and I saw that a lot in here. Anyway, setting. I thought they were gonna find that dagger in a place like how Pookong Kan dreamed. I would've liked that better than a cave. Too many caves I'm tired of them. Actually this whole lakorn seems to be going in circles. I got so lost. I'm still very lost at how long it took for them to get to the border.
I'm still so sad. I had so much hope that this will finally be a good one following BPS and Narkee's glory, but nope. It fell flat. Very flat. The beginning as I've always mentioned is perfection at its best. . . . .urgh!
My rating would be a 5/10. 5/5 for the first half and 0/5 for the second half.