[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


This may have been shared but I can't stop watching this:

For all the Pope's little wifey

Pope: Aww...who lined me up after Nine.:facepalm:

Others: it's okay, different generation.:cheer:

Pope: I'm Pope. Fly with me is safe,:angel10: but for those who don't have a heart,:icon12: you can come get one from me.:p

And a bonus for Got wifeys:

Got: I'm Pilot trainee Got.:coleman:

I am a person who loves his Mom, but I have true love for many, many people.;)
Ahhh. It has been shared before, but no one translated! At least I don't think.
Thanks soooo much!


sarNie Oldmaid
In a later episode......

The servants are happy Kade calls them as P as in P'Juang etc or just a simple straight Jit for Jit.
Mae Karakade calls them by the word "E". E'Pin E'Yam etc. "E" .... Is this a very bad calling of a person?
Because I see Jumpa still doing it.

Off Topic!
In Padivarada Salan calls Rin "Lon". When he wants to wake her up he keeps saying Lon! Lon! It's so sweet the way he does that. I see that's the same as you but in BPS it's Or Jao. Either way when Salan or Date says it, it's romantic.
'E' is a very disrespectful way to address a woman from what I read. P is a term of endearment or familiarity

I noticed that JJ kept calling Bella "Lon." What exactly does that mean? I know you said it's like "Or Jao," but I don't really get "Or Jao" either :fighting3:
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sarNie Oldmaid
This may have been shared but I can't stop watching this:

For all the Pope's little wifey

Pope: Aww...who lined me up after Nine.:facepalm:

Others: it's okay, different generation.:cheer:

Pope: I'm Pope. Fly with me is safe,:angel10: but for those who don't have a heart,:icon12: you can come get one from me.:p

And a bonus for Got wifeys:

Got: I'm Pilot trainee Got.:coleman:

I am a person who loves his Mom, but I have true love for many, many people.;)
The shy way he says "Pom Pope na krab" is soooooo cute :love::love::love: all the younger p'eks are there with their super cheesy lines and earth-shaking introductions, and Pope's just like, "Hi, I'm Pope" :worship2:


sarNie Oldmaid
This seems a good rainy afternoon to share one of my favourite romantic episodes. I love this because it reminds me that Por Date has started to like Kade. From the moment he enters the house he stares & walks towards her unblinking, his steps were measured, steady .... and he didn't stop looking at her. What happens afterwards are from other things; his gaze slipped a notch, disheartended - because she looked past him straight to Rheung.

Screenshot_20180628-235428_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20180628-235613_Chrome.jpg
Glance at Rhueng, glance at Kade, back to Rhueng. Cue sad Por Date


Episode 19 PhatCaps

I can't even remember how to do it. Hahahaha.

Kade: It stull hurts.
Stunned by Bell's beauty!

Date: I'm just gonna venture in here. . . Screenshot_2018-06-25-21-27-34-1.png What are you doing in her room?

Kade: What beauty eyes you've got.
Date: What beautiful lips.
Just kiss her!!

Date: You really like this lap don't you.
Yes Date she does.

Date: Mmm. Smells good.
Excuses Date.

Kade: I feel the presence of someone
Pope is hilarious.
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sarNie Oldmaid
Look at Date!!! He's holding his youngest THAT'S SO ADORABLE WHY DIDN'T I NOTICE IT BEFORE
Yes I know it doesn't make much sense with the flow of the episode because she kinda just appears in his arms and then disappears but I STILL LIKE IT

I think I'll need therapy after watching PYLMW because watching p'eks with babies gives me so much joy :aaaaa: and then change "p'eks" to POPE and I die :drooling::risas3:babysw

I need help :facepalm:


sarNie Oldmaid
20180629_023123.jpg Here's the proof that Pope actually does have abs :aaaaa:
(I mean proof that I can actually share with you guys. He doesn't like me sharing the *pictures* he texts me throughout the day :naughty2::naughty2::naughty2:)
Even though he shaded them in, they're still there, doing what they're supposed to do...:drooling::love:




View attachment 18088 Here's the proof that Pope actually does have abs :aaaaa:
(I mean proof that I can actually share with you guys. He doesn't like me sharing the *pictures* he texts me throughout the day :naughty2::naughty2::naughty2:)
Even though he shaded them in, they're still there, doing what they're supposed to do...:drooling::love:
Why are you watching the finale already? Hahaha.


Wifey #42
View attachment 18088 Here's the proof that Pope actually does have abs :aaaaa:
(I mean proof that I can actually share with you guys. He doesn't like me sharing the *pictures* he texts me throughout the day :naughty2::naughty2::naughty2:)
Even though he shaded them in, they're still there, doing what they're supposed to do...:drooling::love:
Sometimes I don't know what to do about you. But I love you just the way you are......... (Billy Joel circa 1947)