That's cus Louis gf is honey colored lol. His ex before her was straight up European white.Louis actually likes honey colored girls lol maybe he likes opposite from him cuz he’s already halfie, no need for another halfie lol
Anyone has a picture of PJ’s gf? Never knew he was in a relationship til this show 55 Wanna see his pretty gf
Ooo PJ's gf is pretty and Prang is back with her ex. Aww that's sweet cus they broke up during BangRajun@xodxo This article is about the cast and their real life relationships.
Too bad Pope is the only single one lol..hopefully not for long???
Thanks dear for sharing@xodxo This article is about the cast and their real life relationships.
Too bad Pope is the only single one lol..hopefully not for long???
Oh so he’s got plenty of experiences before 55 good for him for finding someone to share a new division withThat's cus Louis gf is honey colored lol. His ex before her was straight up European white.
I've been wanting to see how his gf looks too. I don't think he ever post a pix of her on ig.
Is he shorter than her? Lol he looks short in that picture. Never heard of him before ahahPrang is pretty but whenever she posed, it cracks me up. She's like forever posing too even when others stand naturally for pix lol. Her bf is the lead rapper of Southside right cus he looks good when all made up lol.
Today show
Hosts talking about how big lakorn is and how great Bella and Pope are in their roles
Q: Did they expect it to be a big hit before it aired?
Pope said no cause theres a lot of competition. Bella said it took so long to film this that she forgot some of the things they filmed. Didn’t expect it to be a hit either.
Q: How difficult were their roles?
Pope said very hard due to language. Talk about that “rapping” scene. Bella discussed her 2 roles.
Pope-The story is really romantic-start out from hating n’ek, then confused cause he has good feelings towards her cause she’s now cute, then completely in love
Talk about Ah’Ning and P’Mew (the parents) and how cute they both are. Talk about Louis and his role and Bella admires him cause he researched his role a lot.
Haha, love this. Thanks so much for sharing.
Bella started to say Susie is very pretty and Pope adds “very pretty, very very pretty.”
Bella talked about P’Ya (Pin) and P’Noon (Yam) and how much they both helped her.
Talking about the love story. Pope plays the “I hate you” part so well. Pope described how Bella was eating one time and Pope was rehearsing his hate glares and Bella asked him if he hates her. Lol
They talk about the switch to love
Bella: I wasn’t sure if I could love him because I don’t know if I’m dead or when I have to go back to the present. But secretly she likes him
Pope: It’s not “secretly.” She just likes him
Bella: Not at first. You liked me first! I had to remind him that he used to hate me.
(I'm cracking up at their small argument on who likes who first.)
Q: favorite scenes?
Pope said the boat scenes because its romantic and also shows the culture back then of traveling by boat. Pope had to learn how to really row the boat.
Bella said the whipping scene. Ah’Thoy asked the CPR scene isn’t your favorite?
Bella: That scene was funny because I ate pla-rah (this really stinky sauce) but Pope wouldn’t eat. I told him to eat so that we’d have the same smell.
Bella described how she tried to hold his nose and Pope goes, it went all the way to my throat.
Ah’Thoy describing why he likes the lakorn so much. He loves how Kade uses her knowledge from the future to one-up the people from the past. Also how cute Bella is when Kade is always teasing and pranking Date cause she knows he hates her. He loves how Date started out hating Kade so much and then fell in love with her.
Wait so Kade is going to travel through time and see him wow, aww.
Wait so Kade is going to travel through time and see him wow, aww.
Yes. I heard she fainted and travel back to the future, that's when she saw all of her love ones. Seeing that picture, I'm actually feeling really sad for her friend because I think if they didn't get into the accident, they would've fallen in love. From the flashback, he seem to really like Kade and also because he is the reincarnation of Por Date as someone else mentioned before. I don't know if I should cry or be happy that she is with the body of Por Date or not..sigh, but that picture just breaks my heart.
I have a question
it was mentioned that por date went into monkhood so that he can send her soul back to the past to him? so the past him became a monk to send future her into the past? Leaving his future self (reung) without her?
I thought it was mentioned that it was his reincarnation, her friend in the future that went into monkhood?
I have a question
it was mentioned that por date went into monkhood so that he can send her soul back to the past to him? so the past him became a monk to send future her into the past? Leaving his future self (reung) without her?