YAYYYYYY I STARTED IT!!!!! A few notes:
- I'll post updates to the fanfic under spoilers with the title "Date-Kaew Fanfic" until I come up with a better name. That way I don't spam the thread if people don't want to read it. EDIT: Fine I'll leave it out

- This is only the first installment, there are more to come. How many more, I don't know. When it comes to writing, I have a reeaaalllyy hard time holding back

- I even added some fan service in this first installment for all of you!!!! I HATE writing fan service, so you're welcome! I only threw up three times while I was writing it
I don't like writing romance I always feel unqualified
- Oh and I'm not totally confident on my "P's" and "jao ka"s so lmk if I make a big mistake or just ignore the mistakes
Also this isn't my best writing so bear with me
Okay, without further ado, here is the first installment of the Date-Kaew fanfic

Date-Kaew Fanfic Vol. 1
“Khun P’!”
Something was jabbing into Date’s back, something that felt like the beak of a bird, or a pencil, or…
Date rolled over so quickly he almost toppled off the bed. But he had achieved his object: Kade’s finger was no longer disturbing his sleep. In fact, his arms were constricting her every attempt to continue disturbing his sleep.
“Khun P’!”
“Mmmm,” Date mumbled.
“Khun P, it’s time to get up.”
Date nestled deeper into his pillow, tightening his grip on Kade.
Kade giggled. Then she clapped a hand over her mouth. She forced her face into a stern look. “Khun P, you’re supposed to meet with Khun Chantawat in a few hours. Get up!” She pushed against his chest again.
A light knock rapped on the bedroom door. “Khun Mae, Khun Pa jao ka!”
Date and Kade jumped apart, diving off the bed for “Khun Pa’s” shirt.
“What is it, loo?” Kade shouted as Date hurriedly pulled his arms through the shirt sleeves. In a minute, he had the shirt on and the waistband tied, and not a moment too soon: little Prang swung the door open and toddled into the room. She tugged on Kade’s skirt, and began, “Khun Mae jao ka--”
But before Prang could finish, Pin and Yam came hurrying into the room, chests heaving. “Katot jao ka, Khun Ying,” Yam panted, “We were dressing Prang’s hair when she ran away. We tried to catch her--"
"--but she’s really fast,” Pin finished.
“It’s alright, P’Pin, P’Yam,” Kade said. She crouched to Prang’s level. “Did you need something, loo?”
“Khun Mae jao ka, I wanted you to dress my hair today,” Prang explained, gazing up at Kade and sticking out her bottom lip ever so slightly.
Date, who had stood with crossed arms and watched the spectacle unfold, launched into action. “Prang,” he began, raising his index finger. “You should not run away from Pin and Yam. Apologize to them.”
Kade stood up and sent him an exasperated look as Prang clung to her skirts. Date simply stared back, raised his eyebrows, then lowered his gaze back to Prang.
Prang peeked up at her father through her eyelashes, saw the stern look on his face, and spun around to face Pin and Yam.
“Katot.” She turned back to Date. He glanced around the room, purposefully looking everywhere but at Prang. Kade bent down and whispered in Prang’s ear.
“Katot, Khun Pa jao ka.” Prang aligned her hands and bowed once again. Kade smiled knowingly at Date. Date continued to look around the room, but this time his lips twitched infinitesimally upward.
“Come, loo, I’ll dress your hair for you,” Kade said, directing Prang out of the room by her tiny shoulders.
Date, unable to hold back his amusement any longer, allowed a wide grin to spill across his face.