YAYYYYY Part 2 of the Date-Kaew fanfic!!!! Yes, I am accepting name submissions because I have no idea what to call it

This is my favorite part so far, and I've completed up to part 5 already! (I actually wrote it all in one go when I posted part one... but I didn't want to post more parts too soon or else I'd have to write more

) Anyway, enjoy!!!
Can I just say I love writing from Date's point of view because he tries so hard to conceal his emotions but he always ends up inadvertently revealing them 
Later that day, Date was reading one of his political texts at his desk when a servant escorted two men into the house. Intrigued, Date marked his place in his book and rose from his chair. He crept over to a pillar to watch the men from afar as Kade greeted them. He felt the vaguest twinge of jealousy, then silenced it, reminding himself that he and Kade had been married for almost twenty years now, and had four children together. There was no need for him to feel jealous over her greeting other men. He could just calmly return to his desk and continue reading his book without a care in the world.
Next thing Date knew, he was standing in the common area of the house, staring down the two intruders.
“Ah, he’s here,” Kade said, rising from her seat. The two men did likewise. “Khun P jao ka, this is Khun Chantawat and his son, Khun Natawat.” She pointed at each man respectively.
Date breathed a sigh of relief. Good, a married man with his son. No need to be concerned at all.
Unless Kade wanted a younger man now that her husband was old. Date’s brow furrowed.
As Date tried to ascertain how far a young man could charm his Karakade in the ten minutes the two had spent together, the older man spoke: “You remember, Ork Ya, that we had an appointment today?”
Date nodded, still calculating. Chantawat’s question hung in the air for a few minutes. Then something clicked in his brain, and Date woke up. “Yes. Please, sit down.” He gestured at the seat in front of him.
Chantawat and his son sat once again. Date lowered himself onto the couch opposite, training his gaze on them. “Now, what business did you have to discuss with me? You said it was important.”
“Ah, yes,” Chantawat responded, easing forward in his seat. He glanced at his son.
Date briefly shifted his gaze to the son as well. Did Kade like tall noses?
“My son here, Natawat-- well, he’s had his eye on your daughter Kaew,” Chantawat responded, resting a hand on Natawat’s shoulder.
Date froze.
“And he asked me to come meet with you to ask your permission to court Kaew.”
Date’s body sat rigid while his mind raced at a pace so swift, even his thoughts were blurred. His brain halted for a second.
“Permission for you to date my oldest daughter, Chantawat?”
“No, no,” the older man chuckled, “Permission for Nathawat to date your daughter.”
Date’s face fell, all color draining from it.