[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


sarNie OldFart
I know I saw that part too. Haha. Kade is definitely more daring and straightforward. It was funny because I thought she was like that because she felt like it was a dream or something. But nope it's just Kadesurang admiring all the bronze bodies. Haha.

How about Pope and Susie!? Haha. Naah. I don't want Malee to betray her dearest friend either. Haha.

Is it a spoiler?!?


Was she really forced to have him???? Oh gawd! I remember reading about how she was worried, but I thought the forcing part was just a joke. Haha.
That's what I read @phatman. I saw her interview on what she said but someone else post about the force thing. Maybe I should go scan that lakorn thread lol.

Joi gave an interview saying he is busy til the end of May! (Congrats) but he is stressed because he doesn't know how to go about it. He said acting is easy because that's what he is uses to and learned in school but the events are different. Aww poor guy. Ch3 should have a team of managers to help with this type of issue. The A listers are ok cus they have their own professional managers but the others do not.


sarNie Adult
Yeah..I was giggling because of that scene too. Hopefully also happen in either ep 11 or 12. The script writer is so smart..:thumbup:
I'm debating with myself which scenes we should spoil..lol...afraid that it will kill the hype. Want everyone here to be surprised when those scenes come up but at the same, I can't hide my excitement. :facepalm:
I know I can't help myself. But I figure with about 24 hours to go, it'll be alright lol.
Oh really? They were partnered for that movie?? I should go check out the pics. I do remember Weir being in an unreleased movie but didn't know Ananda and Bella were in it too.
Yes it was floating around instagram awhile back. I'll see if I can find it. Weir and Mai were the main leads and Ananda, Bella were supporting. I think her, Weir and Ananda were all playing cops.
I have high expectations for Ep11 and 12 guys. Don't make me sad. Haha.
No no, we all drooled over Date's hair sniffing and "sweet dreams." The bar isn't that high lol.


sarNie OldFart
Yeah and the best part is, the entire team gets recognized. Nakee was huge but I felt like it turned into a Nakee=Taew only kinda thing. Not that it wasn't well deserved on Taew's part but everyone else got lost.

Here all the actors, the producer, writers, director, singers, everyone get to enjoy all the success together.

I tried nakee.... dropped it.....i feel this has better supporting character...all strong


sarNie OldFart
I liked the beginning of Nakee and stop midway then watch the ending. I was disappointed with the ending but I should had known since there hasn't been a lakorn about Nak with happy ending.

@phatman So I went searching, the ch3 confirmed him and told him he was going to be in it but he said he hasn't gotten contacted by Ann. He said he had to wait for her but hope she chose him. It took a while for Ann to contact him.

It's BPS Wednesday in Thailand now!!!!!! :cheer::aaaaa:


sarNie OldFart

epi 11 and 12 : Khoon Reung ask Kade for advice on courting Janward and winning over her mom. He also admit his feelings for Kade. Date got jealous when he saw Kade and Khoon Reung talking that he threaten to sell her to someone else. Kade got mad knowing that he is legally allowed to do that. Kadesurang visit her one last time to surrender to the love that Kade and Date have for one another. She told Kade that Date is now hers before disappearing.
French embassador visit Ayuttaya but did not pay proper respect to the king which angered PraPhedRacha. Tension esculated when the soon to be crown prince (played by Geng) decided to change his religion to Christianity as encouraged by Phaulkon. The team hates Phaulkon even more. Someone then said that the king doesn't just have 1 son and the team disperse. PraJao Seur or Deur asked if he is his father's son or the king with a concubine. His father then told him that he raise him therefore he is his son but know that whatever he wants in the future he will have. (Historical prediction)

Date takes Kade to vacation in Lovo (eek can't wait!!!:aaaaa::cheer:) Kade also visit Malee where she made new desserts (the traditional golden desserts!!!! Cant wait).


It's Wednesday!

When do you guys think Por Date fell in love with Kade?? Remember the night he told her sweet dreams??? Just before that he was making lovey eyes with Janward! Haha.
Lmaoooo I remember the timed comments all went like "lies!" when Date told Kade that he never looked at anyone else. xD
I love you Date, and never doubted your real feelings for Kade, but I hate to break it to you……lol xD

That's what I don' like about her she plays favs and popularity. Not every work that productions and producers make will be popular and a great hit.

It's okay to fail.



So……my sentiments towards her aren't unfounded. It's just sad to read about it.


sarNie OldFart
There were fans who said the complainers were haters but hmm no not really. We complained not cus we really want others in her lakorns but it's because she is ch3 drama queen actress turn producer and it seems like shes been given the opportunities to remake majority of the good lakorns because it was her lakorns. Because shes trendy baised, she'll only cast trendy people unless ch3 gave her someone not on her list which rarely happens. I'm still praying that she won't remake JaoSao Prissana or Sai Roong.


sarNie Coma

epi 11 and 12 : Khoon Reung ask Kade for advice on courting Janward and winning over her mom. He also admit his feelings for Kade. Date got jealous when he saw Kade and Khoon Reung talking that he threaten to sell her to someone else. Kade got mad knowing that he is legally allowed to do that. Kadesurang visit her one last time to surrender to the love that Kade and Date have for one another. She told Kade that Date is now hers before disappearing.
French embassador visit Ayuttaya but did not pay proper respect to the king which angered PraPhedRacha. Tension esculated when the soon to be crown prince (played by Geng) decided to change his religion to Christianity as encouraged by Phaulkon. The team hates Phaulkon even more. Someone then said that the king doesn't just have 1 son and the team disperse. PraJao Seur or Deur asked if he is his father's son or the king with a concubine. His father then told him that he raise him therefore he is his son but know that whatever he wants in the future he will have. (Historical prediction)

Date takes Kade to vacation in Lovo (eek can't wait!!!:aaaaa::cheer:) Kade also visit Malee where she made new desserts (the traditional golden desserts!!!! Cant wait).
Thanks for sharing, I can't wait :).


sarNie Adult
I'm all for Pope being in Lai Kinnaree with Yaya. The reporters asked if he is "stealing" or replacing others in his upcoming lakorns and he said no because they're all new lakorns that are still casting. So anyways I don't get Act Art and their casting and asking for queues when the scripts aren't even done :rolleyes:. You know I want to see Pope in another action with Metha production again.
Oh hmm I have no idea then. Yeah the whole thing with Lai Kinnaree is weird. They waited 5 years for Yaya's queue and when they got it, they decided it had to be a project that didn't have a script yet? I mean I know they were going to do Krong Karm first and probably didn't want Yaya in that role but there was nothing else they had on the table? It's like P'Off took a vacay after Nakee or something lol. But I hope they do justice with Krong Karm. It's a good book and if they follow the book and Bella pulls off the role, Reynu is going to be a pretty epic character.

Oh speaking of action, I don't want anymore remakes but if Pope had to remake something, he should get Sera Darul. But after he bulks up and firm up some more lol. There was news awhile back that it was going to be Nadech in that one. Or maybe a mobster role like Mik in Karn la krang.