I finally caught up with ep 11... and ahhhh so many things which happened and so many things that I loved in this episode too!!! Here with my routine long rambling~
Of course, first and foremost - Kade and Date in this episode!!!!! The mirror confession came back in a full circle finally, as expected. How Date's face was initially a subtle look of surprise and disbelief - as if happiness hit him like a train loool...and then it quickly grew to a silly, blissful, bright smile and he's just emanating pure happiness!! And how blissful they both looked like was *~*. And after that, they're already flirting with each other left and right in a much more honest way than before - is2g everyone around them must be like goooosh these two! xD I can't imagine how I would survive ep 12 like this when they're already so mega diabetes-inducing sweet, and it's only the beginning now!!!
But before that, it was the whole "husbands own their wives" talk which surprisingly didn't frustrate me and made me disappointed in Date like when I read the summary. The fact that it's portrayed visually allow us to see how Kade responded to it - all her expressions of disgust and disapproval in respond to Date's every line was so darn apt (and amusing)!! Lol. And it was portrayed in a supposedly ~light~ mood, and so it made it come off less off-putting. The remarks were so darn nasty but yet it was well dealt with as Kade acted as the questioning and disapproval of such ideas, and how she practically received a cultural shock is a way of portraying this as a cultural conversation too. And what immediately redeemed Date for me after he said those nasty things (arguably in a joking manner but stillllll nasty!) was how he said that he will not force Kade to get married if she doesn't want to, after his mum suggested that she would force her to (but thankfully, in the end, she took the better approach of comforting and advising her!) - it got me like yaaass Date thanks for not disappointing all of us!!!!! Despite the fact that Date was prescribed with the idea that "wives being properties of their husbands" being a norm due to the times they are in, it showed that he still has some human decency to understand that you don't force anyone against their wills. It's a sense of morality and humanity which could be independent from cultural norms?
And interestingly, the fact that Date's dad got angry at Kade's (21st century) views made an important point that - just because Kade's a 21st century soul, bringing with her her supposed "forward thinking" doesn't necessary give her a superiority and overbearing power over an entire era's cultural norms and values. More often than not, time travel dramas may like to portray the ideal - in which the modern person would easily influence how people of the past think, with their modern thinking - but here, it is being acknowledged that reality is not that way. In this era, such is right and a norm - and has been this way, which just isn't something one person could change, sometimes. And does that make Date's father a bad person because he found Kade's view outrageous? Not quite - given that it is the era they are in, and it is what has shaped their entire world view. That is the truth for them.
Karakade's scene nearly got me in tears. I just felt like, deep down, she probably really wanted to be good - just with her emotional confession in that scene, but it's so hard to be kind and good and everything about Kade she wished she was, when all her life, probably nobody showed that it was possible (she was mean to people and/or people were mean to her - and it was a vicious cycle) so she couldn't be one - until Kade came into the picture.
Date's mum was sooo cute in this episode omg! We got to see her as she herself, a woman who is smart and curious (about the politics part), kind though a little stubborn (towards Kade), and as a lover and a wife (her interactions with Date's dad!) - beyond merely as Date's mother. It's just super rare for mother figures to be portrayed beyond their motherly role! And this gives an idea of how most of the side characters in this drama are not mere roles in relation/dependent on the leads, but we can see many sides to them as if they're an actual individual!
Then there's the historical part which was portrayed in a pretty fascinating way this episode?? Like, the part on Kade verifying whether certain events truly happened (though I just find it's funny that she say things to make people question her even though she isn't even ready to reveal her identity....lol gurl just mentally talk to yourself!!). The whole mood portrayed for the part where the French ambassador met the king - and paralleling to history was so epic - lol the music haha?? It was really riveting to me.
Thus, I just think it's really interesting how their focus as a time travel(-esque) story is not on the common angle of ~butterfly effect and the perils of messing with history~, but rather examining the nature of history. That's why Kade's back to - not only romance her fated lover Date (xD) - but also to verify and witness history in the making for herself.
Wish me luck on ep 12.... I might cry from pure bliss and feels.

(still so busy that I'm trying hard to squeeze time to catch up
