She is meant to be there. She has helped as much as she could by being friends of Marie, encouraging others to be better. Something has long since rooted and would still happen had she not there. Perhaps, nothing has changed because Kade is not meant to go there to change a thing, but to be part of a history. Por Date, in the record, only appear in a sentence so even if he married a strange woman from the future, no one would bother to know.
About how she wanted to go check the news, it's only natural that she wants to know what really happens. Look in this way, the history that is about to unfold doesn't really record people who died other than the important figures, it might be more dangerous to HER or her fiance. Perhaps she is worried about Por Date? Even if she knows what really happens,or when it would hapoen, would it lessen the anxiety? What if it doesn't happen on the day or year she thought it would? What if something bad happen to her family? I think she would need to know.
If it were me there, and I have my own cloak of invisibility with me, I would do the same. It's to know what to be prepared for. It's better to know something than nothing at all.