[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


Check out the hottie at 3:20 AND that cutie at 10:20! Oh must not forgot my other hottie at 10:40 and that beautiful gal just before.


looking for light, reaching out for hope...
I don't blame you! Especially when his hair is all damp unruly & riotous tendrils after being nearly drowned & just lying there .... this guy gives wet face & hair new meaning; he looks so damned handsome!! Those shots at the pier & him in the boat looking dazed..... and asking Kade afterwards, "If I can't get out, what will you do?" I love the way he kept staring at Kade in the boat, his surprised face looking for answers. Por Date is getting more handsome by the second!! I can't take my eyes off his face when in a blurr he told his mum to stop whacking all & sundry. He's a beautiful man, Phatman.... arhhhhhhhh .... how to get on my daily life like this.......

That scene when she did the cold compress on him, Por Date in green with the teal sleeping pants, he's handsome all the way!! That green in his colour. But his smile is full of everything - shyness, happiness, relief, and the freedom to love this girl freely now. Shy because he knows she's a stranger, and freedom because all this time being held back by visions of evil MAE KARAKADE the female Hitler of Ayuthaya. This I'm sure is the part he can't wait to marry her! Use the incident to his advantage and press for marriage.

I love Khun Loong's reaction!

KL: That gossip surely's a wildfire by now. What will you do, kid? (so obvious, in a sneaky way pushing the ticket he's been waiting to sell since she arrived their household)
Date: Get married
KL: Really?
Date: Yes
KL: (Smiling) Thought hard on it?
Date: Yes
KL: (Gleefully) The entire night?
Date: Yes
Suddenly father & son are quietly staring at each other, their body language saying so many things, Khun Loon's face aglow with hard to contain joyful smiles.
Kade was going on with all these noises - it's a small, small matter, no need to marry.
Date: You (to Kade), don't say another word
KL: Yes, girl. This is between adults. Please don't interupt. (to Date) Son, you want to get engaged first, right?

Before he could reply, his mum comes in to give Kade a lengthy scolding.

Khun Loong basically ignored his wife all the way as if she wasn't even there, only cutting in to thank Kade for saving Date's life. But when he finally turned to her to say get the kids engaged, & does she think that's a good idea, it was Por Date who immediately said YES!!!!

Seems he's been jumping on the spot, waiting anxiously from just now to answer his dad's this question hahahaa....

Phatman, you see what you made me do? I'm back in the BPS Time Tunnel again & it's not even the lunch hour
Hey you mentioned the scene i want to mention. When He was in the boat, his dazed look and to act like what drowning has done to him. He lay on someone, i think it was Joi and look exhausted. I thought his acting was soo cool there. Just his expression and body language, like someone that needed to be attended to, as he lay on the boat. It was really good.

Im not sure if what im saying made any sense haha.


Hey you mentioned the scene i want to mention. When He was in the boat, his dazed look and to act like what drowning has done to him. He lay on someone, i think it was Joi and look exhausted. I thought his acting was soo cool there. Just his expression and body language, like someone that needed to be attended to, as he lay on the boat. It was really good.

Im not sure if what im saying made any sense haha.
Yes. He's laying there in pain, yet his eyes are fixated on Kade!


sarNie Adult

OMG....:sad6::sad6::sad6::sad6::sad6: Why? why am I still alive? Why does my life suck so bad without them and when I see something like this I go crazy! WHY ARE THEY SO LOVELY DOVEY! I miss Kade and Date so much that I hate how short this commercial is. I want at least an hours of the commercial base on them.

I can never get tired of Kade's horse laughing because it's part of her fun/bubbly personality that I loved so much and esp when she giggles like that to Date..ahhh my heart! These two are still killing me. No wonder I can't let them go and I don't think I could until PL.

I'm going to sleep tonight with that cute commercial embed in my mind, oh my dream will definitely be sweet.

BTW I need a gif of that freaking commercial! esp the part where he brought her hand so slow/ sexy to his cheek and kiss it. OMG, they even have the kissing sound effect there too...I die!

and I can not believe that they just did their little romance moment at the store hahaha
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Haha. I applaud Popella :thumbup: for trying and I'm not blaming them or anything, but I really can't take their versions seriously. :risas3: I'm sorry!!! It sure is beautiful. . . .the meaning of the songs. :p . . . and their voices are pretty cute. . . ?

BTW I just saw this:

The power of Joi!


OMG....:sad6::sad6::sad6::sad6::sad6: Why? why am I still alive? Why does my life suck so bad without them and when I see something like this I go crazy! WHY ARE THEY SO LOVELY DOVEY! I miss Kade and Date so much that I hate how short this commercial is. I want at least an hours of the commercial base on them.

I can never get tired of Kade's horse laughing because it's part of her fun/bubbly personality that I loved so much and esp when she giggles like that to Date..ahhh my heart! These two are still killing me. No wonder I can't let them go and I don't think I could until PL.

I'm going to sleep tonight with that cute commercial embed in my mind, oh my dream will definitely be sweet.

BTW I need a gif of that freaking commercial! esp the part where he brought her hand so slow/ sexy to his cheek and kiss it. OMG, they even have the kissing sound effect there too...I die!

and I can not believe that they just did their little romance moment at the store hahaha
I know. I want more!!!
HAHA. Those kissing effects were PERFECT!


sarNie Adult
Haha. I applaud Popella :thumbup: for trying and I'm not blaming them or anything, but I really can't take their versions seriously. :risas3: I'm sorry!!! It sure is beautiful. . . .the meaning of the songs. :p . . . and their voices are pretty cute. . . ?

BTW I just saw this:

The power of Joi!
I think Popella's versions are cute and like someone said, it's like Kade and Date are responding to each other which I'm cool with and it's romantic in that sense. But yeah in the seriousness, I still preferred the originals.

Tresor Moi

sarNie Hatchling
Haha. I applaud Popella :thumbup: for trying and I'm not blaming them or anything, but I really can't take their versions seriously. :risas3: I'm sorry!!! It sure is beautiful. . . .the meaning of the songs. :p . . . and their voices are pretty cute. . . ?

BTW I just saw this:

The power of Joi!
I didn’t like Pope’s version at all... but I still bought it on iTunes anyways. Haha

WOW...how many commercials has Joi been in? I find this one quite entertaining!