[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee


Got Phet?! ❤
What do you think they're saying? But they do look a lot like each other, only Prang is prettier
Prang was showing Namtarn how to be "sap" and sexy while eating the mangoes and dipping sauce.. (rough translation but it went something like this..)
Namtarn: "mae ying aren't you afraid to get chunky?"
Prang: "no, coz i took this!" (shows the s360) Tarn makes that funny "ooohh" horse sound and said "you want me to get fat so you can take P'Muen away from me huh?"
Prang: well, you can buy it!

Then they talk about how to buy and where to buy it..


Wifey #42
Yes so good that they included it in the CD and not my humming tune!!
Yes, bad that, they forgot. I often have that video scene playing on earphones when driving home from work in the evenings, and it's so hauntingly beautiful even irritating traffic jams have taken on a whole new heavenly glow.


Wifey #42
Prang was showing Namtarn how to be "sap" and sexy while eating the mangoes and dipping sauce.. (rough translation but it went something like this..)
Namtarn: "mae ying aren't you afraid to get chunky?"
Prang: "no, coz i took this!" (shows the s360) Tarn makes that funny "ooohh" horse sound and said "you want me to get fat so you can take P'Muen away from me huh?"
Prang: well, you can buy it!

Then they talk about how to buy and where to buy it..
Haa thanks! They're selling mango dip sauce & that product all at one go!


sarNie Juvenile
Will Buppesaniwas become one of those lakorns that get remade every 10 years or so?
I really really hope not....coz with the impact this show...these actors and their portrayal of these characters has had I don't think people will be ready to watch other faces on these characters so soon....
I'm still not ready for Lord Of The Rings series coming up...and it's been almost 20 years for that trilogy....


Wifey #42
Lol yea..I like to have her body too but I get so lazy to go to the gym. I'm like the modern Kade, food is life lol.

Its real from his fanclub. Lol.. damn they sure now how to promote using BPS casts!

Ewwwww. Sorry but I don't and never will like Kim K. Booty..too fake and weird looking. I'll take Bella's any days now. And that big, must be hard finding pant lol.
Oh then that's good!! All BPS cast gets into the advertising act solo as a team it don't matter; so happy for their recognition. Earth was on only for a few scenes but he made such an impact; looking forward to see him in BPS 2!


I really really hope not....coz with the impact this show...these actors and their portrayal of these characters has had I don't think people will be ready to watch other faces on these characters so soon....
I'm still not ready for Lord Of The Rings series coming up...and it's been almost 20 years for that trilogy....
Has it really been 20 yrs?! Dang.


Before BPS have you noticed if they're promoting it this aggressively by other drama stars?
Nope. Before BPS I don't even follow celebs news or stuff they do. I only see bits and pieces of random IG posts of my fav fav stars and whatnot. Haha.


I just finished KCP. . .

Look at the babe. I love this shot of him!!
Screenshot_2018-04-27-23-27-56-2.png Screenshot_2018-04-27-23-28-03-1.png

Don't cray babe. Let me wipe your years away.
Screenshot_2018-04-27-23-26-00-1.png Screenshot_2018-04-27-23-26-12-1.png

What's left now is STT. Alright. . . I'm gonna go fight that website again. Haha.


Wifey #42
Another fanfic from me:

Lunchtime Guests: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1339967/2

Hope you'll like it :)

If you read it, please tell me what you think about it.

Your Lunchtime story almost gave me a heart attack!! But awwww so sweet the way he loves her; Khun P when mad I think he's capable of kicking that man out of his house! I like the way Kade played the tyrant on him hahaha.....

Yes, I like your fanfic a lot! Keep it coming!! Thanks.