Ah so sweet! Pope should kiss her on thge cheek for the heck of it!Pope and Bella got the loudest cheer. The host keep mention BPS, Thun Meun and Mae Karakade. They asked why Thun Meun didn't kiss Mae Karakade
Where can i watch that concert now?i'm watching ch3 anni now and the cheer for Pope and Bella are so loud i'm a proud mum here LOL
Channel 3's youtubeWhere can i watch that concert now?
Channel 3's youtubeor on their fb
The hug. ♡Backhug jao ka omg cuteness overload
cr. to owner
ch3 official has not uploaded that part yet so this is non-official heheCan someone tell me where i can watch ch3 48th anniversary concert in full please??