[Ch3] Bpoop Phaeh Saniwaat (Broadcast Thai) : Pope Thanawat / Bella Ranee

So I was going through the rumored modern lakorns that does not have a pra'ek confirmed and these are the ones I found that are possible:

Ruk Diew Kong Junjira (they can either make this a period or a modern one)
Song Sanaeha
Jao Gum Nai Wen (half period half modern)
Tawan Ching Pope

Mew doesn't need to worry about losing a koojin cus she seriously doesn't need one just like James Ji doesn't need to worry. Other people and some fans are just trying to create drama where there aren't any. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I want Pope to do Ruk Diew Kong Junjira!!!


Should I wait until May 11 to rewatch BPS?

Should I? Could I? Anyone want to wait with me?
I've been re-watching some fav. scenes since BPS ended (everyday)...... but I wonder if I'd enjoy the re-run if I starve myself of some BPS viewing. lol

I am watching certain scenes some of the days. Hahahaha


Should I wait until May 11 to rewatch BPS?

Should I? Could I? Anyone want to wait with me?
I've been re-watching some fav. scenes since BPS ended (everyday)...... but I wonder if I'd enjoy the re-run if I starve myself of some BPS viewing. lol
Meee!! I'm going to wait until then! I haven't really been watching any BPS stuff lately to starve myself like you said! Haha. I miss them so much when watching clips of Mang Mao and Kanthong. It's the 2nd already! We're getting closer!


Samee's wifey #42
Should I wait until May 11 to rewatch BPS?

Should I? Could I? Anyone want to wait with me?
I've been re-watching some fav. scenes since BPS ended (everyday)...... but I wonder if I'd enjoy the re-run if I starve myself of some BPS viewing. lol
This train has been on loop service for me since the moment I saw BPS. So you just keep on going! One of many of us we'll be right by you.
Meee!! I'm going to wait until then! I haven't really been watching any BPS stuff lately to starve myself like you said! Haha. I miss them so much when watching clips of Mang Mao and Kanthong. It's the 2nd already! We're getting closer!
Ok... Ok..... BPS diet is on. Will not watch even the IG clips. hahaha . Let's see how long I'll last. :nut:


Samee's wifey #42
Hmm of those I vote for Ruk Diew.

What is Lakorn Thai doing? They don't have anything lined up after finishing JJ and Taew's right? And if it's with Lakorn Thai then I'm going to guess n'ek is Yaya since P'Da loves her too.
Oh no..... not yaya with Pope, no......


Samee's wifey #42
Also having Pope "stole away" might give Mew more chances to star with other pra'eks. I still want to see her with Great, hopefully Ken T, both James especially James Ji cus they match so well in the dance scene in SJ, Top Jaron, and yes Boy too lol.
With Great please! Then James Ma. But Ken would be good too. Wow you've named all the handsome looks.


Samee's wifey #42
Lol I wish. I'm just going by the story in WKK since it looks like there's a pretty high chance that is P&B's next lakorn. And since Got is another Broadcast fave and in periods a lot, I wouldn't be surprised if he's in there too.

You guys know if I had my way, Got and Bella would be in Luang Sorasak & Karakade: Adventures in Hell. Or some modern day Bonnie and Clyde story. I want them in a story where they're both a little bad.

WKK is a bunch of goodie two shoes running around having unrequited love for someone lol. I'd take my "Go look in the mirror" and "Let me teach you LSP" couple any day.
Or if you really want VERY BAD they should try something like Dangerous Liaisons; that's an intense thing there with Glenn Close & John Malkovich. They love each other to excess but capable of doing the most horrible things too.

And it's too bad my joy is short lived you're not anything haha Tom Cruise wearing a disguise like Mission Impossible I, II, III but it's okay soon enough our united BPS voices will be heard! But what's good is that phatman is also not getting to use the insoles she custom made for somebody.


Samee's wifey #42
Awe, that’s good that he knows himself. Yup, build relationships and career first, then have kids. They’re still young so they should spend as much time together. They both are lucky to have each other.
If it's time to have movies in the vein of brotherly love like those Jutathep Kun Chai siblings, then I would like to once again see Got with James Ji. They acted as a good doctor team in Kun Chai Puttipatt. I think it's also about time to have another movie of brotherly or sisterly relationships like those old movies Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and Little Women.

Although I prefer grand happy plots but if you need to have a sweeping story of loyalty and great love between 2 brothers it would have to be "Of Mice & Men". It's from a novel.

That film, John is a gentle giant elder brother with the mind of a child, and Gary the younger sibling who always protect him. John is so loving that when he hugs a puppy because he loved it so much, he innocently killed it. Because of that his brother took him around the country to escape prejudice from every place they have tried to settled in. John is very strong & so they found manual jobs easily. Until John again unintentionally strangled a girl, and this time the stakes are different. It has a very powerful ending! I imagined James Ji would be perfect as the innocent giant, and Got the one who loves him.


Samee's wifey #42
Should I wait until May 11 to rewatch BPS?

Should I? Could I? Anyone want to wait with me?
I've been re-watching some fav. scenes since BPS ended (everyday)...... but I wonder if I'd enjoy the re-run if I starve myself of some BPS viewing. lol

Okay, will cold turkey the favourite scenes till May 11th then. But meantime I just love this scene so much!!!! Arhhhhhhhh



Okay, will cold turkey the favourite scenes till May 11th then. But meantime I just love this scene so much!!!! Arhhhhhhhh

Hey we just said no BPS! Haha. Jk. I just remembered I'm still upset they didn't shoot this scene at this angle! I would've loved to see Pope's kiss right on! Haha.