I agree. This thread is too nice and comfortable

I think
@KitKat516 said it has good vibes with good peeps too.
So....... I have a story to share.
I got a little brave and gave a short review on LR last night and OMG.... I got cold shoulder. It was freezing cold in there for me after the post. LOL
AND the thing is I am a NY fan from so long ago since GRGR days. I am not anti and love NY but I think I am entitle to my opinions of what I like and don't like about LR.
I can't take the koolaid and say everything is 10 10 10 when it's not. Well, maybe I did say the first 2 episodes are like watching "Ken and Barbie playing castle with guns" so yeah.... maybe a little strong?
I posted about LR in here when it aired so I don't want people to think I say Nadech is hot and say something else in BPS thread. I just posted the fake feeling I got from watching first 2 episodes and was hoping it'll improve on Ep. 3. NY are truly beautiful to watch but story is pretty blah. I do want LR to do well. I want Thai lakorns to do well but I can't handle it when it's so pretentious.... maybe it was me. I loved BPS so much that I can't handle anything else at this moment. I also think that I love Ann and NY so I was hard on them because my expectations are high.
Anyhow, I just want to say thank you to my BPS fam. You know you are kind, smart, talented and understanding. I can post almost anything I want in here and you'll call me out on it or laugh with me. It's really nice being in here so I just want to let you know.