You know, sometimes even I'M surprised at how nice I am to you guys. I could have just lied and told y'all I'm going on vacation with the samee and wouldn't be able to post part six for a week

... but I'm SO NICE and NOT RAI that I decided to post it today out of the GOODNESS of my heart.
Hope it doesn't disappoint. It was very hard for me to write, and I'm not sure I got Date completely in-character. But whatever, I doubt anyone cares at this point

Here's part 6!
P.S. I love the ending of this part
Date took a step closer to Kade. She frowned, folding her arms and glaring up at him with her nose in the air. Date half-expected her to stamp her foot. Smirking just the tiniest bit, he took another step toward her.
Kade stepped back. “I opened the door like you wanted. Now go take the children to the market.”
“No.” Another step.
“No?” Kade’s brows entwined in concern.
“No.” He was towering over her now, with only a few inches of space between them.
Kade’s face cleared. “Khun P!” she whined. “How can you do that? You know they’ve been looking forward to it for a week now! Prang hasn’t stopped talking about it for the past three days! And now you won’t take them just because I kicked you out last night?”
Date nodded once. He continued to approach Kade ever so slowly, coercing her in the direction he wanted her to go in.
“Khun P!” Kade tripped over a ledge and fell onto the bed.
Date fell with her.
“Khun P!” Kade stared up at him with wide eyes, her body tensing underneath him.
Date chuckled, and got off of her to sit next to her on the edge of the bed. Kade sat up and quickly shifted away from him. Date shifted closer to her.
“Kade…” he began, but Kade cut him off.
“Chan mai fang! I won’t listen! You pushed me down and left me on the ground! That may be acceptable behavior for a husband in Ayutthaya, but where I come from, it’s downright heartless!” She folded her arms again and turned away from him.
“Khun Ying Karakade, stop behaving like a child and listen to me!” Date grabbed Kade firmly but gently by the shoulders, and turned her to face him.
She tried to break free of his grip. Struggling, she said, “Bloy chan! Let me go! I’m angry at you for being raeng!” When her attempts to break free of his grip were unsuccessful, Kade huffed and looked away from Date.
“Kade, fang chan. I didn’t push you, you tripped and fell--”
Her head zipped back to face him. “But you didn’t even--”
“I know, I didn’t help you up. I was angry and in a bad state of mind. I needed to be alone. All the same, I’m very sorry I didn’t help you up, Khun Ying Karakade.”
Kade briefly glanced in his direction, her head still turned away from him. “Khun poot arai? What did you say? I didn’t hear.”
Date smirked. He drew close to Kade’s ear, so close his nose was a hair’s breadth away from touching the appendage. “Chan katot maak, Mae Kadesurang.”
Kade turned her head, her face so close to Date’s their noses collided. But when Kade tried to move back, Date wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest. At first Kade tensed again, apparently debating whether she should push him away or not. Date tightened his grip on her waist. She finally relaxed against his chest, smiling to herself.
They sat there for a while, quietly listening to the cicadas chirping.
It was Date who broke the silence.
“Hmm?” Kade changed position, resting her chin on Date’s chest so she could peer up at him.
“Let’s take the children to the market later. There’s a boat I want to surf before we take the other one on the water.”
And Date kissed Kade like the French.