i'm not sure in witch day this was filmed
btw is james ji back from japan @040156 , and i saw that pajaaew will have a new lakorn for good feeling that he will direct is that will affect the pace of filming of this lakorn?
she will work as a teacher right?i think those kids are the the hero sister kids i remember in the old version that when she resigned he helped her to find a job in his sister place but she doesnt know that they are related
He's 23. In twitter, they are pushing the hashtag #happyjamesjidayplease if someone can help translate pajaew's cap here
coool he is raising well in the industry and wish him a happy birthdayHe's 23. In twitter, they are pushing the hashtag #happyjamesjiday
If you look closely, the cakes are from his sponsors, AquafinaVitzaa (a Pepsi Product. Incidentally, Kim and JamesMa are also endorsers of Pepsi) Scott's Puree and I'm just not sure where the cake in the middle is from. haha.
Last year he was in Japan for his birthday (though they gave him a cake on set of Padiwarada. they made him hold the cake by himself though.... haha but that's another story), and the year before that, he was also with Paa'Jaew and company for NNS. So this year he gets to celebrate in advance, on set again. Today he's in his hometown to party with kids in a school for the deaf and differently-abled children.