Ncmeowmeow35 said:
I don't know, it's pretty close. Lol Dome is only better cus he's cuter.
Lol !!!! :ghehe:
We all know that in
thai lakorn industry, to be able to play N'ek and P'ek, you
"have" got to have
"The Look". Comparing Dome to Bomb, Dome is way better looking in my eyes. As for acting wise, I don't know b/c I don't watch any of their lakorn. :lol2: But if both of their acting is :thumbdown: than i rather want a better looking P'nang.
CH:3 have some really good looking actors but i do find some (1 or 4) of their actors to be so
"not" that attractive looking. But what the hell, they end up being p'ek anyways. :ghehe:
CH:5/OneHD and CH:7 have worse. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I rather not name any names :shutup: b/c some people are really sensitive. :ghehe: :ghehe: