sarNie Oldmaid
That's like a lot of pra'eks that grew up among wolves. We wonder how they turned out so good thus the question: what is the bigger factor in life? nature or nurture?byebye said:@ Koy123
They are probably saying something funnyervie:
Hahahah...only in a lakorn where a girl is falling off a stairs and a guy comes from nowhere to help. I wish that was the case in real life, many times I have fallen only to sprain my ankles and not one nice looking man came around :bhehe:
Boy has his little moments but after watching episodes 7, I don't feel like I am watching a remake of FLF. I am watching it as its own lakorn. Because Boy's character is nothing like Jakrit and that altered the lakorn completely. His love for N'ek early on isn't going to allow him to hurt her more than what he has shown. The lakorn still has some ways to go but even if Leela does something so damaging, he's not going to able to find himself destroying her because his love will overshadowed his hatred.
Nott is psycho and the family has way too many dysfunctional people. I am surprised Narut is as calm as he is. If I spend as much time with YookLee and the brother I would kill one of them lol. Yooklee is mentally screwed up...watching epi 7 my sympathy is gone. She's annoying to the max.
Narut and Leela had some very cute moments. The eating popcorn from the same bowl and when Narut wiped the corner of her lips :heart: but the best part was when she shaved's an intimate moment even for a lakorn, so sweet. And the part when Narut thought Leela left him....
I am better then you guys cus I haven't seen the old version or rememeber seeing it so this is like a new lakorn to me.