yes we always do appreciate so much dee jai tee sood jaOoooh! I can't wait to see.
Btw...I hope all you Angels had a great Thanksgiving.
I love it...that is perfect!!!!ooookay. you gals move way too fast. i don't even know where i left off. previously i mentioned that im be working on a little grgr name list of i'm a charles' angel. im not going to go hunt if i got any name submissions. but i finally made it. i called it the Game Rai Game Ruk: I'm a Charles' Angel fanlisting. to be organize and make is easier for me, im asking that you leave a comment on my blog LakornGods on the pinned post with (1) your name with right spelling and capitalization as you desire and (2) which side you want to listed on- Rai or Rak. Don’t be shy, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. can't believe tomorrow is really friday!
I know right! Why didn't he put it facing her bedroom window! I would. Lol...Oh...I forgot to add that Charles finally put the telescope to use, but not for the right reasons. Damn it!!! It's suppose to face her bedroom window.
i should be sleeping rite now. shopping is exhausting but grgr is worth it to wake up early to watch!Dang I would love to spazz with everyone but I have work early in the morning 4am. So I guess I'm gonna go zzzzzzzz na ja! Be back tomorrow.
G night Charlie's Angels!
sneaky kiss, HOT!
As much as I love the sneaky kiss,I love the tough kiss before that scene. He immediately felt sorry when he saw her tears. And this is one of the rare moments that I can actually see love from Fah's eyes. Her teary eyes are like saying, "Why can't u do this gently to me? I love u as much as u love me." LOL
This GIF, I just found his expression hilarious LOL
Two sexy smirks!!
Thanks for beautiful SCs. These are my favorite scenes. SaiChon can never be mean to NangFah. She is going always to be NangFah for him. :cry:Charles is still Saichon, when he sees Fah crying, he is hurt, deep down despite his burning anger
Fah is actually touched by the caring of him
His cunning face
When a devil is waiting for you, don't think of escaping. It's useless
Attempt R
cr: Pantip