Okay here goes my long ass review...
Like: I love the island part...lol don't think I have more to say about that. I love the relationship between Saichon and Nangfah, their love for each are just so innocent and you just don't want to see them ever be apart. I love the fact that Nangfah trust Saichon so much that she would literally follow him to the end of the word. I love the forehead promise. I love the little story of stars between Saichon/Charle and NangFah/Fahlada. I feel like they can connect to each other somehome just by staring at it. I also love how they made everything Charles and Fah did on ep 19 and 20 similar to when they were on the island. like you can just see Saichon and Nangfah right through them. I love love love the ending, I don't think that there's another way to end the story although I do want Fah to remember but as along as I get to hear "Nangfah ruk Saichon na" and the forehead promise, I'm satisfied.
Dislike: I really really really don't like how they didn't bring island people back at all...well except Mami but what about Suay, Loy, the old lady, Areefa and all other people. I mean yeah they did say that there was a storm and everyone move away but I just don't like the part that Saichon didn't really try to find them. I mean I just think that he wouldn't be anything without them. Ya know? But I'm hoping that the direct cut that out for a good reason. But still I really miss the island people. and I also don't like how they didn't make Fah or Nangfah pregnant but I always remember when Nangfah told Saichon that she wants to have kids with him and we never get to see that. Again, I hope the director did that for a good reason.
Mami: I love this girl. Yeah I mean at first she can be annoying as hell but that's just the person she is. She knows how to let go at the right time. I always feel sorry for her since she was on the island. Cause you see how much she loved Saichon but she learn that if you love someone so much, you need to know how to let go of them and she did. And I also love her so much cause she's the hero of the story. She came in and finally open everyone eyes. lol every though she is not in every part of the story but do you believe me that from now on when we see her, we're gonna be like oh that's Mami, the girl that save Saichon and Nangfah. She's not the main character but she's definitely a memorable character. Gotta love Mami <3
Loy: I LOVE this guy. That's all I have to say. lol I'm really mad that I don't even get a chance to see him in the story again whhen the lakorn was over. I was hoping for a Saichon and Loy reunion.

Oh favorite like from him "Be careful Nangfah, you might fall...inlove with me!" lol that's like the line that my bestfriends and I always say when we think of Loy.
Suay and her family: haha I love this girl, it's funny that she's so freaking young but know more about love that Nangfah. hahaha. She's like know everything, more than me I think

lol I also love the relationship between her mom and her day, they are so freaking funny. it's funny that her mom got pregnant again even their her last child is like 8 months. lol. I know her since 365 days of love and I always love her.
The islanders: I just love them and their support for Nangfah and Saichon love.
James, Thai, and the Boss: At first Boss is pretty mean and annoy but then he just got funnier and I can't never get over they way he say "Khun Charles". James and Thai are awesome. They are one of the few smart ppl in the story. Instead of just saying things, they actually try to figure it out. And they know how to let go at the right times. As soon as they know that Fah is Saichon, they let go of her right away cause they know it's only the right thing to do. Oh and I love the relationship between Mami and James, wish I could see more of it.
Sahat and Ta: This two couple of freaking hilarious. Ta is annoying but ya know know atleast she's not evil, she's just idk dumb? lol lol Sahat is so funny in this story, and the part that he's is Charles assistand, sometime it's for me to take him seriously cause he's always so silly.
P'Mor: Okay let start but saying that his character is boring!!! I mean I've Pope in TW and I really like his character in that cause he was like funny, silly, playboy type I guess? but then his character in this is just......lol like I feel like everything so slow when I see him on screen. I just wish that the director would make his character a bit faster and smarter. But I do have to say that I love his relationship with Fah. I feel like he's the big brother that I would love to have cause he cares for her so much unlike someone....Aside from that, I like his acting but again not such the character.
Prae: Prae Prae Prae, what kind of name should I call you first huh? lol I HATE Prae, I HATE so much that it's beginning to creep me out. Until know I still don't know if I can like her or not. Well forgivness takes time ya know? I hate how she she think that by taking Fah away would make Charles loves her. I mean is she that stupid? A 5 year old can do better than that. lol. Like if my laptop don't cause money I think I would have kill her a long time ago. lol Her acting are pretty. I mean I haven't seen her other lakorn so I don't know. In beginning of the story, I felt a bit uneasy about her character but as the story went on, I felt better. Although I'm still not sure about her facial expression, feel like she gave me the same old look through out the story. But I can see this girl improve later on in her other lakorn.
Fah/Nangfah:Okay I LOVE Nangfah. I love the way she act as a kid, she's so inoccent and so freaking cute. Like you just want to pinch those cheeks. lol. I love the love she has for Saichon, I love how she would follow him everywhere. I love how she questioned everything that happene in life. Remember "how do you get pregnant?"

I love how she asked Saichon to take her to see the stars. And how she always try to help him but end up either messing it up or hurting him. lol. For Fah, I also love her. She's like the grown up version of Nangfah cause sometime I do see Nangfah through her. For some people they hate how she so lost with Prae. How she let Prae fooled her around the whole time. But for me I don't hate her that much for doing that. I mean yeah there's time that I'm like "Really Fah? Really?" but then again Prae is her sister. Blooded or not, still her sister. To Fah, Prae is the only person she had left from her mom and dad. To Fah, Prae is the person that she can always count on. To Fah, Prae is one of the person that she willing to do anything for. Trust me, when you have a sister and you love her that much Black becomes white and white becomes black, like no matter what you can't never bring youself to hate that person even if you really try. I don't have a sister but to me that's always what it's like. Now to Yaya's acting. So ummmmm this girl acting is freaking AMAZING???? lol I have to remind myself that she's only 18 cause sometime I feel like she's the kind of actress that has been in the business for 10 years or something. She's just so good, like there's no word to describe. I love her, her acting and just her personality. I mean she's one of the most gorgeous/beautiful Thai actree that I had ever laid my eyes on. I love how she act Nangfah out, honestly I can't think of another actress that can nail Nangfah part cause she's suppose to be kind of annoying but yet still toooooo adorable at the same time and Yaya nail that part very well cause she just have that face of Nangfah...lol... And she did Fah really well especially with the crying scenes, some ppl said it's not enough but come on guy she's no Ann T, she's only 18 year old. and that to me is good enough.
Saichon/Charles: Okay can I just make my cofession first? I am inlove with this guy! and I'm talking about just Saichon/Charles but also Nadech. He's just so lskdflsjflksdjfl like girl I can't think of a good word to describe him. I mean his eyes, his lip and that's adorable smile with the dimples made me want to faint a couple of times. lol. Okay let get to the character, Sacihon is one of sweetest P'ek that I have seen. I just love how he loves Nangfah and always love her no matter what. I love how he always get annoy with Nangfah but never for too long but his annoyed face are so freaking cute. And Charles, okay yeah yeah I get it he's an asshole and I do agree with you guys on that but only to some point though. I mean yeah I admit he was stupid to believe Yasa just like that but again when you wait for someone for so long, your patient began to dissapears. I mean he was so looking forward to meet Nangfah and then suddenly, she doesn't remember him. And she's always with this guys, and then boom she said she want to forget everything. If I was, I would've been mad too. I mean to him, everything that Fah does to P'Mor remind of what she did to him when they were on the island. Remember when she gave P'Mor the tie, remember when she knited Saichon shirt, remember when she went to P'Mor for all of her problem, remember how Saichon was the only person that she can go for help. remeber when she was looking at P'Mor when they were doing the runway thing, remember how she couldn't take her eyes of Saichon when she was doing the dance on the island...see that smalls moment that made me pity Saichon so much. like youu can just see the pain in his eyes. As for Nadech's acting....umm are you guys sure that he's only in 3 lakorn so far? Cause that's kind of hard to believe. lol. Nadech did such an AMAZING job in this story. He knows how work with both characters. I mean Saichon and Charles are like too different people so it's really surprise me that I'm sold in both of his acting. He played Charles very very very well. Especially the crying that he had with Prae and when Nangfah got shot and he was in the hospital. That was like a WELL WELL WELL done for him, if Nedech doesn't get an award for this lakorn, guy I'm going to Thailand to have a talk with them...and to meet Yadech...

Saichon/Charles and Nangfah/Fah: Okay I think I already said how much I love the relationship between this two characters so let just go straight to their acting together. Yadech is probably one of the cutest couple i had EVER laid my eyes on. I never been so desperate for stars to date this much before like they would literally make my life they begin to date but I think they will some day

lol their chemistry on camera are AMAZING. I'm always finding myself thinking "are they acting or is it real?" and I don't do that alot in lakorn. like their chemistry is just so out there that you can help but scream everytime they look at each other. Their eyes contact are amazing, the way Nadech looked at Yaya is every more lskjflsjdfls. I mean son, are you sure you're not inlove with this girl? I'm sold with Yadech acting in DJA and now GRGR and I think they will always get to me in every lakorn that they will have together.
lol I don't want to do this but I can't help myself...
DJA vs. GRGR: As for acting, I don't want to say much cause I think actors always improve and Yaya and Nadech really improve alot. Even though I had no problem with DJA at all. But I do want to say a bit about the stories. To me, DJA will aways be my favorite lakorn of all time. I mean I LOVE GRGR so much but I guess I only like DJA a bit more cause of Fai. Fai is one of the sweetest P'ek of ALL time. Like it's hard to find a P'ek that are just so loving and conference and sweet and romantic and cheesy...need me to go on

DJA is reason why I felt inlove with Yadech so I will always remember that lakorn. Same goes to GRGR, GRGR is one of the lakorn that will stay close to my heart, maybe because of Yadech, or the story line or the part that I follow this lakorn since ep 1 to ep 21 without getting tired of it. Every scenes is filled of Epicness, you can't help but as for more.....more of Nadech may I say...

lol and Yaya of course. So yeah if anyone of you who are here and not sure that you should watch the lakorn or not, I would recommend you to do so. I told a bounce of my friends to watch it and they fell inlove with the lakorn and you will too. I promise!!!!
Favorite quotes:
"Be careful Nangfah, you might fall...inlove with me." Loy
"My family is Nangfah. My family is Saichon." Nangfah and Saichon.
"You and Nangfah were born to be together. Remember Saichon, no matter what happen, Nangfah will always love you and only you." the old lady.
"If I go, will I find you? I stay here will you come to see me?" Saichon.
"No, I'm the only family of her. She's my life. You don't understand." Saichon.
"About love, we can't force anyone. Saichon and Nangfah were born to be together." Mami.
"This is your home Saichon, you can come back all the time." Loy's father.
"What's pregnant? I want to be pregnant too. How do you get pregnant?" Nangfah
"I don't love you. i don't love you." "But I love you." NangFah and Saichon.
"I love you, I love so so so so much. And I promise that I will only love you." Nangfah.
"You're the best that happen in life since I was born." Saichon.
"I'm not taking advantage but the cheek is mine." Saichon.
"As long as I'm with you, I will not let anything happen to you." Saichon.
"I'm so weak. I let them take her away. I made a promise that I can't keep." Saichon.
"It's better if I die so I don't have to see you again." Fahlada (lol burn to Charles)
"When I tell that I'm tired and can't do it, I really can't." Charles
"I'm ready to do anything that would make Nangfah forgive me!" Charles.
"If you come closer to me more than 2 meters, I will run away." Fah
"Why did you look at me? Why did you turn around first?" Fah and Charles.
"Nangfah is my life. If anything happen to her I will hurt more. I love you Nangfah. I love you the most. Though this life I can't be with you, but I pray that I will born every life to love." Saichon.
"I don't care if you don't remember, we can start a new memories together." Saichon.
"Do you love khun Charles?" James.
"I'm the boss!" Sahat
"I'm not hurt, I'm alright." Mami
"Nangfah ja!!!!" Loy
"If you want to tell bath naked, you can tell me anytime." Loy
"Are you gay?" Areefa
"Saichon that I'm his only family!" Nangfah.
"Sacihon is the cutest in the world." Nangfah
"Yay, I now know what love is." Nangfah.
"Pretty? Pretty like a ghost." Saichon.
"What kind do you want? Hollywood. Korean. Fah? What do you need Fah to help you?" Fah's boss.
"Remember when I said you were a good sister, I take my words back." Yasa.
"If I'm evil than we both match each other than." Charles
"Are you satisfied?" "Not yet." Fah and Charles.
"Did I rape you? Think carefully." Charles.
"Nangfah ruk Saichon. Saichon ruk Nanfah." Fah and Charles.
I would like to give this lakorn a :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: :bravo: