[CH3] Game Sanaeha (Lakorn Thai) : James Jirayu / Taew Natapohn


sarNie Oldmaid
I’m confused , so Nok and Wongwet was supposed to be dating ?
Yes that was the intention of Wisaka. She wanted to matchmake Wongwet with Nok. Now they all know the truth with what happen that one night at the beach that Wongwet left Nok to be with Pen.


sarNie Oldmaid
Oh so they are not even officially together.. so it’s a bit unfair to go off at aunt Phai like that .
Yeah they're not so it is quite unfair. It's probably just because everybody know's Pen's behavior and intentions.
But her mom always see Nok more important than her own daughter. I think that's why she wants attention rebellious
That is true. The mom should pay some attention to her but they really needed to set a middle ground with each other to not be this bad.