[CH3] Game Sanaeha (Lakorn Thai) : James Jirayu / Taew Natapohn


sarNie Oldmaid
I saw the live too. Both are touchy and comfortable with each other. I love that.
I understand bits and pieces. The video started to lag. I love where Taew mentions what her favorite scene is!

They are cute! Did you see how she puts her arm behind James majority of the time. && When James took her hand to blow on it bc it started to hurt. These 2 are so comfortable with each other. I love how they can play around. #TeamJT haha.
Don’t you find it cute how taew is leaning toward JJ
I just finished watching the live chat! They were absolutely adorable. Taew leaning over to JJ, putting her hand behind his chair/arm.. and the two constantly tapping and putting their hand on eachother thigh/leg :aaaaa: where is the queen of gifs @wuzhangs ? We need gifs from this cute little interview :aaaaa:

Watching it too but I don’t know what they are talking about:crybaby2:
You can read the below quote .. @Querido briefly translated the interview .
Quick translation for the live chat:

When the two were asked what their thoughts on working together on 2 dramas.
JJ: I was happy to have had a chance to work with P'Taew--
Taew: In the morning we're like... I've missed you, haven't seen you in ages.
JJ: Yeah, it's been 5 hours! You kidding me?
I was very happy. Without question, P'Taew is a great actress, and very beautiful. I'm not sure about P'Taew though, she might have felt differently. She might have been annoyed.
Taew: I was happy, too, to be working with James--
Taew: Because James is nice.
Taew: I feel comfortable with him. Think about it, we had to work side by side for years. It would have been torture if it's suffocating. I'm glad it was James.
JJ: The thing is P'Taew was up to playing/joking around, sharing desserts.

They were asked what sort of roles they'd want to play if they got paired up again.
Taew picked action. James was like... I did that in NDFD. Then Taew said... you know, something like Mr. & Mrs. and they both did a pose- holding a gun and sitting back to back. James also teased Taew about her aging joints and bad back and questioned whether she could really do action lol

Another question was on their favourite scenes from GS.
Taew seemed to need time to think while James gave an instant reply. James said the scene by the pool, then settled on the scenes in Nan. James then went on to tease Taew why she's taking so long to answer, and whether there were special scenes he didn't know about that had the potential to be favourites lol. Taew then decided on the period when Nok and Nai were a real family with a child.


sarNie Oldmaid
I just finished watching the live chat! They were absolutely adorable. Taew leaning over to JJ, putting her hand behind his chair/arm.. and the two constantly tapping and putting their hand on eachother thigh/leg :aaaaa: where is the queen of gifs @wuzhangs ? We need gifs from this cute little interview :aaaaa:
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You can read the below quote .. @Querido briefly translated the interview .
I'll gif it soon!! I just got home orz and my right eye is in pain cause i rubbed it way too hard... i just set up my laptop to find the FB link heeee