Yeah, and one last thing before I really go to bed (hahaha it's 1 am here and i have to get up early. Good luck to me

Khanthong and Luckanai actually aren't that much different so I guess it was easy to act them back to back. Both of them had a level of restraint and longing and sense of loneliness. Like one was orphaned, the other abandoned, and had to somehow survive one way or another. I was trying to figure out who was more pitiful, Khanthong who was orphaned when young and grew up with nothing (well, he had his best friend Nant...) so he is able to take up a suicide mission since he has nothing to live for, then there's Nai who was abandoned by his mom, but was taken cared of by Nok's family and he had something to live for, that is to repay his gratitude and kind of assert his worth, just like those recycled materials that can be "Useful" again. (note:useful, not valuable) Khanthong had a reason for living when he met mangmao and he lives to care and protect Mangmao. Same thing for Nai who found a treasure in Nok. Who found purpose in caring and cherishing Nok. Then there's the most important part. The restraint. Khanthong has to let Mangmao feel that he is a man, who can love a woman, without endangering her life and his mission. Then there is Nai who has to let Nok (and himself) feel that he is worthy enough to have her, not because of what Nok thinks he stole from her, (position at the company, status, money, trust of her parents, etc) but because the love, affection and protection (which she needs and) he can give her. It's that restraint that both characters have that makes them tick. Those moments of Khanthong when he's falling hard but has to hold back. Then Nai falling so daaaamn hard but realizes it's all a game from Nok's end. Then Khanthong is waiting for that day that his mission is finished and he can tell Mangmao the truth, in the same way Nai is waiting for the day that Nok will grow up and understand and let him love her and love him in return. Both Nok and Mangmao are afraid to love, with Nok being more jaded and cautious. How i wish there was a war of some sort in game sanaeha too so they'll just hurry up and fall in love! But then the war is the love story itself
I am still wondering why the hell Nai loves Nok. In this episode, with Nok being more vulnerable, i think it's this need of Nai to take care of someone. He's the most pitiful among the children in this lakorn, yet he is the most grateful and most kind. He appreciates how despite being abandoned, he received care from strangers. So with that caring comes affection which turns to a bond. His uncle and auntie taking care of him created a bond, a chain which he cannot break. Although he stands far away as a stranger in the family, he is bonded with them and tied to them because of that gratitude for taking care of him (juxtaposed with Penny's utter lack of gratitude). It's the same between Nok and Mae Phai. How a stranger can be bonded with a family through affection. So in caring and protecting Nok, Nai creates that bond. And Nok is the perfect candidate for Nai's devotion because she's quite clingy herself.

and come on. How can Nai resist when Nok is being all cute to him and crying and all that. That day when she finally realizes that she loves him and needs him, and in Nai's words, "want to be embraced by his arms" then his mission is complete. Game over. I got this idea since Fia of Lovefia mentioned that the original title of this Lakorn (from the book) is Buang Sanaeha, which is the loop or lasso (well Buang Hong was Lasso for a swan) of love. So i guess it is that "tie that binds" so to speak.