[CH3] Game Sanaeha (Lakorn Thai) : James Jirayu / Taew Natapohn


sarNie Oldmaid
If I remember it correctly, that scene where Nok and Nai fight over car keys (after Khae's "accident", after Nok and Khae's hospital confrontation), James was actually quite sick/feverish and the next shooting day (for NDFD) they had to take a break because both Taew and James were down with the flu. I think they shot it after they shot the diving scenes. And it was also around the same time they were shooting the siege scenes for NDFD so James was in cold water (literally) for the most part. He even went to Japan for shooting of Miracle Tunes at some point so it was hot cold hot cold .... yeah.
Thanks for the infor.. Makes me love them even more, for their dedication and professionalism with their work.

Is he sitting on Taew’s lap? I thought it looked more like a back hug that Taew was giving JJ? Either way I’m dead :aaaaa:

they are really comfortable with all the skinships!
Way too comfortable :p not that I am complaining :aaaaa: