I'm stuck in the JT world too. That NDFD event, there was this clip (
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh6j0X-Dawn/?taken-by=rainpatcha) of them playing around with each other when nobody was paying attention. The clip was off guard. Nobody was screaming and finning at them doing intimate stuff. That's when you know it's not fan service cuz they weren't doing it for the fans. They didn't care if people didn't see them.
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Btw a fan took a screenshot and there was another comment. I have no idea what it means but it's just so cute. I thought he only commented the emojis at first. Him commenting on her live video the other day was after GS ended. It wouldn't be for fan service or promotion since the drama was over lol. I like that they have a close connection in real life even after the drama ended, not just while they were working together.
Also this video (
https://www.instagram.com/p/Bh4DIJ_DCDS/?taken-by=rainpatcha) is exactly like the offscreen kiss bts video (
https://www.instagram.com/p/BmNYA6EgOYF/?taken-by=onlyu.you). Taew was putting her head close to JJ and he was about to kiss her, but this was in an event so he didn't take action

. But in the bts clip, she leaned her head close to him again and he actually KISSED her. She even raised her face up for him to kiss.
I love them like this ... to me they don't have to be real lovers or anything. I'm happy enough with them just being close to each other. Their friendship is so adorable.