[Ch3] Ka Badin (Tv Scene)


Mrs James Ma
Thank you for the translation aymieluvsyu637
James works really hard, he used to dream about Lamduan or Matt lol. Yes he didnt talk about Kim cos they have not shot too many scenes to know more personally. And his type is P'Aum? Ok lol I know she's great actress, popular and all but am not fond of her personally Idk why.
Aww he sounded hurt when he said "When the timing is right I just want to have one girlfriend forever so I won't get hurt". Hope he never gets another heart break :no:
Thanks once again aymieluvsyu637
OHO I have not watched BR but looking at James sleeping on elephant made me very sad. He'll make all of us cry again :no:


Mrs James Ma
Popular actor on pantip  :cheer:  :cheer:  :cheer:
1. James Ma (Ka Badin) - 41.96%
2. James Ji (Neung Nai Suang) - 26.34%
3. Ken (Krating) - 12.50%


sarNie Hatchling
OHOaddict said:
@step I will cry when James's elephant dies. Reminds me of BR when p'Khap's horse died alongside him. Broke my heart.
noooooo~~~~~ i hate when animals/pets have to die in the story. it's sadder than when a person die, for me  :cry:


Mrs James Ma
You're right Jana. James is popular actor with 41.96%   :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:  :facepalm:
LOL JMa is winning the polls since 1st epi how could I be careless to not see it properly lol
Sweet_JJ said:
@Step that's for popular actor, James got popular actor for the week and Ka Badin got popular drama of the week if I'm not wrong lol.


sarNie Hatchling
Step said:
KB is #1 popular drama on pantip with 41.96%  :cheer: :clap:  :clap:  :clap:

1. Ka Badin - 41.96%
2. Neung Nai Suang - 26.34%
3. Krating - 12.50%
wow, Khun P'Hymn got almost half of all the votes  :dance1:  is this just for TV3 lakorns? i did watch the first part of Dragon Blood series a few days ago, cuz of Ananda but i havent watch the next part yet. is James J's NNS good? i'm so in love with the relationship between Hymn&Lamduan that i cannot watch pra'nangs in bickering relationship these days i don't know why  :shrug: i'm just not in the mood for slap/kiss lakorn i guess  :rolleyes1:


Mrs James Ma
I'm sorry lilyalana, my mistake. It's popular actor. I became over excited to see result and posted without checking it lol. James won the poll of popular actor while KB is 2nd popular drama on pantip.
lilyalana said:
wow, Ka Badin got almost half of all the votes  :dance1:  is this just for TV3 lakorns? i did watch the first part of Dragon Blood series a few days ago, cuz of Ananda but i havent watch the next part yet. is James J's NNS good? i'm so in love with the relationship between Hymn&Lamduan that i cannot watch pra'nangs in bickering relationship these days i don't know why  :shrug: i'm just not in the mood for slap/kiss lakorn i guess  :rolleyes1:


Mrs James Ma
I had posted that poll on both NNS and Mafia thread to show off KB   :loool: edited now before anybody saw it  :phew: :facepalm:   :ghehe:  :ghehe:


sarNie Hatchling
Step said:
I'm sorry lilyalana, my mistake. It's popular actor. I became over excited to see result and posted without checking it lol. James won the poll of popular actor while KB is 2nd popular drama on pantip.
haha its ok. i've edit my post above as well. which drama got the most popular? is it a good drama?


Mrs James Ma
Lol it was in order like this. Krating, Ka Badin and Neung Nai Suang. Ka Badin is in 2nd place from 2nd week. Only 1st week it got 3rd place.
lilyalana said:
haha its ok. i've edit my post above as well. which drama got the most popular? is it a good drama?


Mrs James Ma
When I checked it was 2nd on popularity in Thailand. But yes on pantip it's no 1. KB and James both are no 1 OMG this is great  :party:  :party:


Love has nothing to do with bodies.
I can see that James work really hard for his role, and he got what he just did to gain more new FANS (including me). 
Matt is so gorgeous and her role is pretty smart and brave. Love her a lot with James. Strongly hope they can be together on the next one. Cheer!


sarNie Hatchling
Sweet_JJ said:
Nope its a vote of all actor, actress, and lakorns from all channels and people vote whatever they want. MLM is ok, just don't expect too much lol. I tried watching NNS but I still remember Ken/Janie's version so I stopped lol. 
what is MLM? the Dragon Blood series? oohhh, so NNS was Ken/Janie version remake. i remember watching that version as well. i tried watching fist ep but then skip all the way until the last episode just to know how it ended lol


Love has nothing to do with bodies.
Woooooooo... so happy that James and KB got a number 1 spot from the vote. James really deserve the best actor award for 2015. I'm serious.