[Ch3] Ka Badin (Tv Scene)


sarNie Hatchling
Step said:
Awwww  :woot2:  :woot2:  :woot2:
OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD I literally screamed when i saw these  :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1:  :dance1:
why why why are they so cute????? :woot2:  :woot2:  :woot2:


`my dragon's blood is blue`
preetam said:
It seems to me that deep inside Bua loves Hayms
She covets the man he was and can be more than Haym himself. Haym is a more than decent respectable man who was raised in a good family. His family background is also prestigious. I think she wants that security more than love. Also, her obsession will become possessive when she wants Haym and Lamduan to break up in the future.