[Ch3] Ka Badin (Tv Scene)


`my dragon's blood is blue`
OHOaddict said:
So I'm guessing once he gets Lamduan's family to the army, he'll somehow become a soldier?

Ladies I'm confused about the elephant thing. Was it that they failed to successfully capture the elephant each time the angry elephant shows up? I had a feeling they caught it the first time but didn't understand why it was on the loose again and again. The transitions don't clarify much.

@step aren't they the cast from that celebrity's house show? ARE THEY SHOWING JMA'S HOUSE AND Saimai IS HIS GUEST? WHAAAA???
They couldn't catch it the first time. They were able to catch it when Haym and the men were hiding behind the bamboo bushes with mud on their faces. Then with Haym's elephant as a trick (she's a female elephant) they were able to capture it.