Got to leave it to parents to be unbiased sometimes, hahaha.
But I completely agree.
I adore both James, and I would love to see them in the same lakorn again one day if only possible.
But even when I followed the Khun Chai series, I always felt that James Ma's acting in general was a tad bit better in comparison to James Jirayu.
James Jirayu, I felt had the upperhand simply because generally speaking he was a new cute pretty boy face that people like seeing.
As for James Ma he was cute too, but didn't stand out physically as much as James Jirayu did.
Both are great newbie actors in general though, however, I think James Ma has it a bit better in the acting department.
Yes, I'm loving his tushhhh! Hahaaha it looks nice though not to be a complete perv or anything. But if it's on my screen, I'm going to see and appreciate. Lols
I agree with what you all are saying, I'm loving Matts and James Ma's chemistry.
I hope that after this finishes airing, more lakorn offers come in for him (aside from the current one he's going to be filming with Kim).
I hope directers/producers see that he's a hard worker and he's someone who'll study the role to play it well like he did for Ka Badin.