looking for light, reaching out for hope...
Let you imagination for what is going to happen run wild! Lol
For example, I already imagined how I hope it things go down with Ya and Thi on Monday.
Thi accuses Ya of being "easy" or something along those lines, first cheating with a married man and now she's stepping out on him while they're technically married. Ya slaps him (like we saw in the preview) and basically lays it all on the table. That when she met Pipop, she did not know he was married. He pursued her, and while she was reluctant at first she saw his sincerity and eventually started to fall for him too. But then reality came knocking on her door when Nat showed up to give her hell for stealing her husband. Ya is devastated and breaks it off with Pipop. But not too long after finds out she is pregnant, ultimately she tells Pipop at which point he refuses to break it off with her. Which I think makes sense because I think at the start of the show Grandma mentioned how she had thought the affair had long ended. So maybe they didn't see each other for a while, but then he learned about Khao Suay and refused to let them go. At her confession, Thi is taken aback and feels guilty for what he said. Ya drives it home by saying something similar to what Na said previously, that no woman wants to be/would choose to be a mistress. Then she rolls away leaving Thi in the garden alone think about what he said.
Sorry for the long post, but my fanfic writer mind got the best of me lol
Are you writing any fanfic at the moment?