[Ch3] Kor Pen Jaosao Suk Krung Hai Cheun Jai (Bec-Tero Entertainment)


sarNie OldFart
Yay, they're finally done filming so when will it air? Alek looks good with Matt. I would want to see them pair up one day.


sarNie OldFart
Awwww...that pic. Look at how the older man above them couldn't help but look.  Just how comfortable they are and to have that kind of friendship is really precious.


sarNie OldFart
I wished I have a good friend like Great (a guy that is). Man, he seemed to get the thrill out of people being silly and laugh his heart out.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
Matt, girl I love you but your new haircut is awful. I guess even her boyfriend's love for long hair can't sway her.


sarNie OldFart
lol...Matt's boyfriend must be like what she wanted in a man. If he is as she describe what she wanted in a man, then he is not going to say anything negative to her or care what she does as long as it's not crossing the line. Remember, she said, she wanted her man to be exactly like her dad. Does, not smoke, drink, gamble and respect women, also does not yell. If she found that person, then she's a lucky girl. Oh, also likes opera lol. She was very specific and wanted him to be just that, like her daddy.


sarNie OldFart
Oh it's okay. I hope you all still remembered it. Lol. Everyone was so confused about the plot. Hopefully you now have a better sense of what it's about. 