[CH3] Likit Ruk (Thong Entertainment) Nadech Kugimiya / Yaya Urassaya


sarNie Adult
How Mae Kaew's IG can have less than 50 comments for some posts whereas the last one when she asked who would like to see Na in a concert, there are more than 1000 comments haha, there is a real demand and most of them are requesting a NY concert, a NY Fan meet or Yaya as a special guest. For the strip tease, Nadech will only let Yaya look at his show :rolleyes:, this quote came immediately in my mind "I keep my body only for my special one" :p.
Yea for this show, it doesn't matter if it's a solo concert or NY concert ... Yaya will be there guaranteed hahahaha she can only guest star for him (well except for P'Bird but who was in the audience ahhahah #1 fans) ahhahhahah Even Give Me 5 he made sure Yaya was his guest star. Ae Supachai will make it happen... maybe we should go to Ae for that dvd ahahahhahahahahhaha


sarNie Adult
NY have more skills than singers who has their own concerts. Not only they can sing but they can also dance or entertain. You add some special guests, all the tickets will be sold out for sure. A supachai and that woman from A time show bizz "P'Chod" who love Na a lot can "make it happen" just like the Give me 5 concert.

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sarNie Adult
If they did a concert I think Nadech should definitely bring Jetrin coz Jetrin's entire family loves NY so why not ahahhaha and they are somewhat twinsies with their long faces... and these concerts always has variety that are throwbacks so I think he could also bring Poo Pongsit coz he's also a family friend and he sings those "life" and "national" type songs that Nadech likes. I think Nadech grew up with the RS artists too but I don't know which are his favorites. I doubt ch3 will put this together so they wouldn't be too mad if an RS artist came on... at least Louis could maybe pop out hahahaha but then again I think ch3 was a little salty about give me 5 LOLOLOL Yaya I think she should bring Tata Young and do those 90s songs that were classics and her dad loves Tata Young this would make him happy. I could see Yaya doing a lot of Tata's old hits. She'd have to bring the Da Boy Way for "make it happen" it's like, you have to hahahha


sarNie Adult
If Louis & Na were to sing Kreng Jai :aaaaa::aaaaa:
They already have ahahhahaha they could bring Off... Off and Nadech have a lot in common they're in the, scared of the wives club ahahhhahaa

It's really a shame ch3 and RS have beef that I don't even understand. I don't know if the beef was before or after that concert with Raptor but the osts. for ch3 and these events could be A LOT better if ch3 could use RS's songs and songwriters/producers. Ch3 events are so cringey look at the outfits at this show MAH GAWWWWD ahhahaha


sarNie Adult
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sarNie Adult
If Louis & Na were to sing Kreng Jai :aaaaa::aaaaa:
They already have ahahhahaha they could bring Off... Off and Nadech have a lot in common they're in the, scared of the wives club ahahhhahaa

It's really a shame ch3 and RS have beef that I don't even understand. I don't know if the beef was before or after that concert with Raptor but the osts. for ch3 and these events could be A LOT better if ch3 could use RS's songs and songwriters/producers. Ch3 events are so cringey look at the outfits at this show MAH GAWWWWD ahhahaha

Na is already the specialist of "Mai tong kreng jai" and he took a lot during that ch3 anniversary and the 4+1 channel 3 concert with Por :risas3:. Yaya & Margie were also part of that ch3 show, it was funny to see girls danced this song.

A fron "mai tong kreng jai" with Por :risas3:

Joni was no mercy with Na haha. Na was so worried that he always looked at his back :risas3:

Hey, don't mess with Na, he's more mature now, you shouldn't be in front of him anymore if you perform this song:pancarta:

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Nadech <3
Na is already the specialist of "Mai tong kreng jai" and he took a lots of this during that ch3 concert and the 4+1 with Por :risas3:. Yaya & Margie were also part of that ch3 show, it was funny to see girls danced that song.

A frontal "mai tong kreng jai" :risas3:

Joni was no mercy with Na haha

Hey, don't mess with Na, he's more mature now, you shouldn't be in front of him if you perform this song :pancarta:

omg that hip thrust. i can't willing|