Trapped in MueyxTian's World! ❤️
@sasuke06 hope you don’t mind that I just butt in lol but woah, this whole time I thought you were Thai? But since you mentioned you learned to read/write I assume you’re not? For some reason, based on your collected info on NY, I thought you actually lived in Thailand too.? Haha well, although I lurk around more but I also notice your huge contribution to NY and all these translated news— small or big... they’re really helpful!!
Now about learning Thai. Whew!! I learned it myself too hahhhah my parents are impressed I even speak and understand it more than they did when they were the closest to speaking native Thai! lmbo!!!
I was fortunate to have taken 2 semesters of Thai in college but trust me the classes were too basic and useless. It didn’t help me learn to read or write at all, bc the levels I took were basically Pro-beginning like super super basic. It was so useless. But what I did find helpful from it was getting to actually interchange words in Thai language with the teacher! Like being able to speak with her and completely understand her just validated how fluent my Thai was haha although at first I couldn’t believe I was speaking Thai 5555555 cuz I never spoke it in my entire life until college lmaooo!!!! I was a bit shy LOL but a semester went by and I was so fluent!!
Anyhow, now if you’re just learning Thai on the side with no one to guide! Here are my tips. You know how listening to Thai karaoke songs or songs in general they will have the Thai lyrics on the song and even include like the Phonic words in English alphabets (showing you how to read/say it). That’s how I originally learned Thai. Just read along with the songs, and eventually words become familiar enough and you start picking them up faster! It’s also best to learn with your favorite songs... repeatedly lol
I still don’t write well at all. My brain feels frozen whenever I try but I could write small passages lol just not essays.
now reading is a lot easier than writing. And it’s true that being able to read about your koojin or favorite actor is sure a lot more fun and motivating cuz you’re trying to gauge what they’re saying. lol
however— I’m learning NEW Thai words every day watching lakorns lmaoo!! There is new phrases or new meanings .. it’s endless!! Lol 
Now about learning Thai. Whew!! I learned it myself too hahhhah my parents are impressed I even speak and understand it more than they did when they were the closest to speaking native Thai! lmbo!!!
I was fortunate to have taken 2 semesters of Thai in college but trust me the classes were too basic and useless. It didn’t help me learn to read or write at all, bc the levels I took were basically Pro-beginning like super super basic. It was so useless. But what I did find helpful from it was getting to actually interchange words in Thai language with the teacher! Like being able to speak with her and completely understand her just validated how fluent my Thai was haha although at first I couldn’t believe I was speaking Thai 5555555 cuz I never spoke it in my entire life until college lmaooo!!!! I was a bit shy LOL but a semester went by and I was so fluent!!
Anyhow, now if you’re just learning Thai on the side with no one to guide! Here are my tips. You know how listening to Thai karaoke songs or songs in general they will have the Thai lyrics on the song and even include like the Phonic words in English alphabets (showing you how to read/say it). That’s how I originally learned Thai. Just read along with the songs, and eventually words become familiar enough and you start picking them up faster! It’s also best to learn with your favorite songs... repeatedly lol
I still don’t write well at all. My brain feels frozen whenever I try but I could write small passages lol just not essays.