The scene between Alice and Kate, before Alice came in Kate's room, we saw a flashback when Kate was a she was already crazy lool. And it must be the first time that Alice saw Kate in crazy mode.
I am happy that we are not losing time, Alice knew now that Kate loves Will thanks to Alan & Dawin. We could hope more time for Dalice when all this soty will end haha. Alice would like to resolve the problem but Alan & Dawin adviced her to behave like everyhthing is normal so they can investagate about who are the vilains (Will & Kate ofc)
I am happy that we are not losing time, Alice knew now that Kate loves Will thanks to Alan & Dawin. We could hope more time for Dalice when all this soty will end haha. Alice would like to resolve the problem but Alan & Dawin adviced her to behave like everyhthing is normal so they can investagate about who are the vilains (Will & Kate ofc)