Magnet Couple
I love how both Na & Ya get close & friendly with whoever takes care of them at events, especially the security team
it's cute
Ny r the cutest . I love this interview cuz they r so giddy and shy . Compare to yesterday’s na was lost lol but they r still cuteCute afNa waited for her in his car
Her reaction when she saw him
And Jaonaay's grandma came to comment againIs this what u call saving the best for last
And Jaonaay's grandma came to comment againshe said 'Perfect couple
sweet speech both of you
'. I can just imagine her fangirling like we were when we saw all the fancams
Thanks for sharing info12 boys from a football team & their assistant coach are believed to be trapped in a cave in (I think) Chiang Rai & they've been trapped for about a week now. The rain hasn't been helping the rescuers as some parts of the cave have become flodded, but they have been pumping water out of the cave. I pray that they are found alive and that they find them soon
Jjetrin's (a famous singer) son.who is Jaonaay?????
Nadech's speech today(Yaya smiled until her lips will touch her ears lol)
Nadech: Sawad dee everybody krap, humm....for this award krap, in real I am in trouble to know if it is for male or female category krap (the crowd laughs) because in this lakorn, it was about switching bodies. I have to thank...khun Petra krap, Nong Yaya (the crowd screams) for helping each other in designing the characters. And also, this lakorn in real, to play alone, to work alone, to create alone was not possible. We have to work in team therefore, thank you Nong Yaya krap and I also give this award to Yaya. Thank you so much krap!(screammmmmmmmmm)
MC male: Thank you so much na krap, khun Nadech Kugimiya! Congratulation!
MC female: Why do I feel shy with Nadech's thanks for his award ka?
Clip: https://www.instagram.com/p/BknL5-rlau6/?hl=fr&taken-by=pornpanr
"I have to thank...khun Petra krap, Nong Yaya"
"Thank you Nong Yaya krap and I also give this award to Yaya"
cr.NY CLUB : NadechYaya CLUB
Lol I like how nadech got out of his fancy clothes but yaya is still wearing hershttps://www.instagram.com/p/Bkpc5twAho1/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1nxpuxvcueu0o
NY detective are every wherepic from yesterday dinner
Thank uToyotsu Japan Festival 2018 [30-6-18]
Nadech - Distance (Likit Rak)
Yaya - You're my love
FANCAM by Anne Ann
She's mine
He's mine
It smells.....love
Opal should not stay here...there is too much sweetness haha (the way she looks at them)
NY detective are every wherepic from yesterday dinner
Who is eating right now, have a nice breakfast or lunch or dinner(after the event, P'Gu Nadech's manager said that Nadech is hungry...