Whatever you see in the trailer and thought, this is not it. It’s not a comedy romance. If you think there were many cut scenes or abrupt transitions from one to another in LR, then this is about 10X that and I am trying to be understanding because it’s a 2hr movie and there’s too little time for one too many storylines to focus on ( jane/chut, jane/moji/ or chut just being chut).
It’s about sibling rivalry but one I think that’s too exaggerated because it was not relatable to me. I have an older brother, but I don’t act like Jane or is as petty as Jane. Jane’s behavior was unlikable and I didn’t like her. Even as a young girl, Jane was cruel, she gave Chut a nickname he didn’t like due to an accident that she caused and tried to fix his injured chin ( with a maxi-pad) and cheered other kids to call him that nickname (“choocie”). There appears to be no communication between siblings, even when living under the same roof, because somehow they worked for two different companies, he’s in advertisement and her company is a potential client, but didn't know until the day of the meeting. Hello? conflict of interest there - In reality, she has to recused herself from the project, instead she nick pick his slogans and presentations. Even as an adult, a business professional, why would she think it was okay to exposed his nickname and even got his friends and coworkers to call him that.
Chut doesn’t seem to care about her boyfriend, Moji, and the only time they show him meddling in was when her boyfriend was going to informed on Chut (get him removed from the project). Chut just jokingly threaten that he can make Jane break up with him. Let me back track to Jane and Moji’s romance. The movie spent like 3 mins on it – they met during the interview, cut to a new employee initiation game of baseball game, cut to Jane telling her brother she’s been working for a month (meaning also dated Moji for a month). After two months of dating, Moji proposed but just before that proposal, he’s being sent back to Japan because the big boss found out he didn’t “informed” on Chut. What Chut did was trivial, Moji overheard Chut saying he was going to take his presentation ideas to a rival company. Also, the confusing part to me was: Moji told Jane he’s quitting his job and staying in Thailand so he can be with her. All of a sudden, they’re getting married and both are moving to Japan for work. That part didn’t get explained at all. There are few more scenes of dinners w/ family and wedding as such, by then I was annoyed at the girl sitting next to me trying to eat that last piece of that damn popcorn kernel (digging into the bottom of the bag) and also shaking/stirring her ice drink. I was very closed to saying something, but the theater was too quiet.
I was looking forward to Sunny’s scenes and not so much Yaya or others or even their sibling rivalries (not much were shown when they’re adults). All the comedies moments were Sunny’s and it was scattered throughout the movie. It wasn’t funny as tears rolling down funny, but just cute and I cracked a smile. My friend laughed at Sunny’s ringtone because it’s the popular song form Ice Saranyu (2008 song). I didn’t get the joke since I wasn’t listening to Thai songs at that time. It was corny with them adding in Yaya’s “Make it happen” song during one moment between Jane/Moji.
Sunny was the main role. I think YaYa was more of a supporting role because as much as the story line tries to be about sibling rivalry, it was more about Sunny’s characters. I was rooting for Sunny and dislike Jane. If this was an American movie, I would not pay money to see this in theater and would wait for DVD or Netflix or Amazon Prime free videos or just skip it. If this is considered great in Thailand, then my standard is much different. Yes, there’s a good message about family if you watch til the end (see I already forgotten the message), but overall I think it’s okay but boring.