Hummmm there are a lots of lies spread by keyboard thugs in social medias who are used to drag Nadech's name everywhere. This is these kind of people Nadech was referring too. Not so hard to guess who they are loool. When people talk about Matt, they talk about Matt for what she did, they will not drag other names but like Nadech said, there are a group of haters who take this opportunity to drag other celebrities's name in order to bash them. What kind of loser life LOOOOL. People who talk about Matt's news are in their right but those who try to drag others Nadech said why? LOL. Are you haters or keyboard thugs or just keyboard cowards? LOOOOL
By listenning to his interview, not so hard to understand what Na was meaning and who are those "haters". He said he's neutral about Matt's scandal, he supports every sides. When he talks about Matt and her news, it's about MLFAS, because this is the only link he has with Matt. So when he meets her on set, he has fun with her and support her because this is how every professional actors should behave with his leading actress right?
Those haters and keyboard thugs he was referring to are those who are used to dragging other celeb's name into other scandals. Those who can't make the difference between personal and professional life. He was talking in general because this is what the reporter asked him after all: "
What do you want to say to those who can't differentiate personal life from...(professional life), come to comment or bash?"
You know who are these people lool? Look around you and see who is dragging other celebs's name everywhere even when there are no link, look at those who bash some celebs everyday like it is something usual, look at those who said they will boycott a project.......last example Nakee2 HAHAHA. Look at those who pretend to get annoyed with celebs but watch their lakorn, stalk their life or always talk about them. Why are they doing this and lose so much energy? At the end of the day, those they hate are above their favourite

. Do they know that they are the real keyboard thugs? LOL.
Oh also, Nadech is right to say that you should not reply back to those haters or keyboard thugs because you could become like them, a MAD DOG, a "mahhhhhh baaaaa" LOL but maybe this is the goal of those haters, they stan trash celeb so they aim at being as trash as them . The "M GANG" are scandalous and famous in Thailand because of their dirty news, this is how they survive to stay in the spotlight. M are the maddest people, what was you thikning of? Don't get me wrong lol
MAD DOG = Mahh baaaa
cr goes LOL
Since 1min35 until 4min30. *** TRANSLATION *** REAL INFOS ARE HERE!
R: With the scandal happened, there are some people who threatened P'Mai (director of MLFAS) that they will not watch this lakorn.
N: Oyyy (exhasperated)....How many of them came to threaten? I think thai people want to watch thai lakorn a lot and since it's a lakorn that many people love in the korean version, I think the real people who are real fans and love to watch lakorn, they know how to differentiate. I think it may not have an impact. It may only
come from malicious people.
R: In real you're an actor, how do you feel with those who "in" too much with the news and
then drag you?
N: I'm just like..."Oyyy" (exhasperated) something like this (everybody laugh),
I feel pity for those who have these kind of behaviors, I don't take them for being problems in my way of life or working and I'm pretty sure that P'Mai or any actors will not drag these news because
it's two different things (personal & professional life).
R: The atmosphere in the lakorn set is like you have to film while there are news, how is it?
N: Hmm....I tell it frankly, I'm someone
neutral, I give
support to every sides that's why when we are working, we work normally. I still have fun with P'Matt like usual. Humm....I arrive to the lakorn set and give support to P'Matt, just this.
R: Like today right, when you was filming?
N: Today I've just filmed this morning krap! The weather was hot, very hot! We filmed in 1000years Ayuthaya from Chulalongkon.
R: What do you want to say to those who can't differentiate personal life from...(professional life), came to comment or bash?
N: I think that we can't escape from those who are the
"haters" right! It must be something related to the
keyboard thugs gang or those who have these kind of behaviors and love "saving" or "printing" something like this. It will come from these specific gang that's why as for me and as for the actors or as for whatever the artists will face at with these kind of news,
we will not take them as problems in our way of life. That's why if these people are happy to do so, they're not wrong if they think it gives them happiness but for those who see it, let me advice you. Those who see when people complain, insult, bash,...humm...don't argue with them even in whatever manners. When they feel that with what they say or do, nobody cares, they will feel themself that it is not anymore fun. That's why then after, they'll faint until they feel they don't have an importance in the keyboard world. That's why I would like to explain to those who talk or insult back to the insulters or protect...humm those who protect, it's ok but if they insult them back often, those people (haters) must be psychopath like "Oh I'm so happy, someone comes to insult me" sthg like this and then print again...That's why, use the consciousness a litle bit for those who will argue back because it will become another topic. If you can let it, let it go!
Matt's scandal should be over, dramas, scandalous news, bad behaviors should not be too much on the news, I'm afraid for the new generation. Also, inter fans should not get involded if they don't understand anything.

...imagine being proud to have info from someone who is manipulating you like a clown and then you are spreading lies without knowing it. Matt voice: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
We should better focus and spazz over the fin news in thai ET. The medias don't give a sh*t to Na's solo interview, they only spazzed over NY's couple interview with tee rak things. Nadech calls Ya as
tee rak and Yaya confirms it by saying sweetly
"kaaaaa" (yes). Also, NY lets the medias call them as a real couple now. Or also, a big news for MK fans. Last time Mark admitted that he is talking about marriage with Kim and recently, Kim said she would like to get married before her 30years old, isn't it the best news ever the Mark fans? FINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN