You are missing this BIG time. They have explosive chemistry!phatman said:Gosh I feel like missing out!! Haha.
Katelyn said:You are missing this BIG time. They have explosive chemistry!
OHOaddict said:I rewatched that scene five times @phatman Keep watching there's also another sexy scene that had me screaming for more.
jeanie1 said:Here phatman, I'll make it easy on you. Just watch the part at 3:40. That's my selling point for this one.
I think the boat house scenes are in ep.11.
It's honestly one of the hardest and most heartbreaking scenes to watch but it takes your breath away how perfect they both are in that moment as Pat and Non. She's hurt and confused and he's pained (pissed) and conflicted. Even as a viewer it's difficult to decide what you actually want to happen or pinpoint how you feel in that moment. All I know is I have tears in my eyes for both of them each time I see it.OHOaddict said:@phatman Sadly no subs :,(
The scene I'm talking about is at the end of ep 9. P'Na's acting was soo good. You can clearly see his conflicted feelings. He doesn't try to rape her but the way he had her up against the glass wall and lips centimeters from her very own, ohhhh somebody get me a fan and an oxygen tank. I want these two in another drama!!!
She's hurt and confused and he's pained (pissed) and conflicted
jeanie1 said:
Yeah I thought Nadech did really well there when he rested his foreheard on hers. His expression was perfect. But then he was kind of over the top when he was yelling at his dad and the faces he was making were a bit weird.
Anyhow I was thinking that when Pat finds out the truth, they're going to make it all dramatic and serious but they could've gone a more comedic way. I think I'd want to see Pat get pissed and her "revenge" is to pretend to fall in love with the fake Pran. She could be actively trying to seduce fake Pran by wearing skimpy sexy clothes and being all over him and talking crap about Non. Non would get so upset and turned on at the same time that he'd probably break down and spill the truth.
It'd be like that Friends episode where Phoebe and Rachel were trying to get Chandler and Monica to admit they were dating so Phoebe pretended to be lusting after Chandler.
MoonChild said:Here are some gifs of intense scene. Have to said I'm loving Taew a lot in this lakorn. She's definitely one of the best actresses in her generation.