Non and Pat sitting at the back of the boathouse after trying unsuccessfully in retriving her ring.
Non: In the morning, I will search for it again, I should be able to see better than right now.
Pat: Can you Stop thinking about the ring? Just let it go/forget about it. If it gone, just let it be gone. I don't need it now.
Non: That's your wedding ring Pat. You love and valued it a lot. You don't have to worry, no matter what I will find it.
Pat: you don't have to search it anymore. Even if I loves/value it a lot, it is not worth more than someone's else life.
Pat: What if you had a ------- and you drown and died today? what will I do? A moment ago, I thought you were going drown and died. You don't have to find it anymore, do you understand?
--------------> I don't think that word is cramp so I'll wait to Katelyn to fill it in.
Non: So you care about me? You're scared I was going to die?
Pat: Right. No matter, if it is you, a cat, or a dog. But if they have to risk their lives to due to my carelessness (ความสะเพร่า) I would be concern.
Pat: I don't want to be the reasons that causes someone's hardship.
Pat: Just like Mor Non, who can't remember. I feel guilty and feel guilty even beyond that.
Non: Why are you blaming yourself? You're not the reason that causes Mor Non to be in this state in the first place.
Pat: If on that day, I didn't chase him out and curses him, the accident might not had happened. Mor Non would not have lost his memories.
Pat: The both of us who would have had a easy going and pleasant life at our village. If on that day, I would have stopped him... just stopped him...
Non: Ok, OK. How about we forget about the ring? Right?
Pat: Thank you.
Non grabs Pat and as he is in pain.
Pat: Where? You have a cut.
Non: Just a little one.
Unna, Pran, and the Maid.
Unna: Non haven't called back yet?
Maid: No not yet.
Unna: Auntie Ing. If Nom calls back, you have to let him know that his uncle is on his trail and that he has to change his location immediately.
Maid: It's that bad/serious.
Unna: Pran, if you can't think of it, don't force it. Take a rest.
Unna: Pran, you're stressing out. Stressing over it is not going to help. Take a break. Maybe 5 minutes.
Pran: I'm taking a break right here.
Unna: Sitting down and hitting your computer is not taking a break.
Unna: Get up!!! and let go have strode outside. Get Up now.
Pran looking at the Sunflower.
Unna: Unna is the one who bought those. Pran, you liked them?
Pran: Sunflower
Unna: Is there anything?