It was my defense for Nadech when someone said his twin roles were not well played out or convincing as two different people.janea said:There is so much more in the depths of who Pran is for he, rather than being gregarious, is pensive. He comes across boring, because he's quiet, and a listener, someone who does things behind the scenes. A person you can always depend on but never makes a big deal of anything; someone who loves and values you without saying a word. There's an endearing and calming depth to Pran that we don't truly get to see until he is stripped of his defenses and inhibitions. I think it was @fun that said the thing she dislikes about twin stories is that the twins are usually painted so much as complete opposites that it doesn't actually come across as plausible, however, in this drama, the story has used that contrast to highlight Pran and Non's wealth of similarities. They are truly reflections of one another, not different sides of the same coin.
I don't agree with Pat teaming up with Thanat, but her evidence wasn't useless because Chomanat had a point: they (Pran, Non, and Sinton) were family so they were all ganging up to frame her. From a logical point of view, her claim is illogical, but it's enough to raise reasonable doubt, especially with "evidence" on her side, because there's no evidence to back up any of their claims
alexa said:I know right Non just want keep her around him all the time when he found out she with Thanat he freak out like crazy and i understand they are newly wed and just have one day with his wife that is just not enough for him to handle that and now seeing her and can't touch or hug her like he wants to that is stressing but they are too cute together and just don't want it to end tomorrow at all gonna missed them to much.
m9saeteurn1 said:Waiting for the next episode is such a drag. I had to go back to re-watched all the good, happy & intense scenes. Damn, Nadech could make a strawberry look so good, juicy and yummy. That face with that strawberry yum yum haha
janea said:^I'm trying not to go back and watch cause I'll be watching all day, though I will humbly admit it has depleted me of every ounce of dramalover sel-control I have! Once the final episode airs, I will decide whether I want to recap it for my blog. But seriously this week has been the longest wait in the entire series!!!
I also wanted to say it's been a pleasure to share this lovely story with everyone here!