Beach Scene where Parob is hacking the coconut husk and Wanvisa is watching. This is my rough translation.
Wanvisa: Hey man, what are you doing?
Parob: Just a minute ago, what were you b*t*hing/complaining about over there?
Parob (Mocking Wanvisa): Oh, when am I going to leave this place? I want to get out of this place. I want to leave right now. Right now....
Parob: Oh, right here I'm making a raft for you. Then older sister (Jae) can go where you need to go.
Parob: Also, I'm am getting sick and tired of a person's attitude/feeling which is always changing from good to bad. Vice-versa.
Parob: Older sister this is for you.
Wanvisa: What is that?
Parob: Coconut husk. During ancient times, they used it for your monthly menstrual cycle.
Parob: Right here.
Wanvisa then proceed to cuss him out. With various name calling.