sarNie Hatchling
adsd18/2 said:i can understand wanvisa i saw this situation in real life where a girl love someone but she's forbidden to be with him and one day she knew she can't be with him forever , but at the same time she can't let her parent know how she feel or even let them suspect she's thinking about him it's a feeling only who knows it feel it , it's not easy , that's why wanvisa became soo weak so lifeless i feel she became after hearing parob death like a body without a spirit she doesn't want anything she doesn't have hope on anyone or anything only memory left in her mind and her heart living with it , she doesn't have nothing else , she does what her parent tell her without feeling without opinion without voice, for me she expressed it sooo weeeelllllll and as i said if someone saw that before will know it , i feel teary right now :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: clap for kim from me
"no matter what , you have to stay with reality, in the past if it's sadness, just forget about it, just remember the good time" that's what her mom told her
Totally agree with you. Thats what I thought, I move to tears too!!!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: