I amm! I miss seeing Veterans onscreen and seeing both Ken and Cherry will be just splendid! Cherry has always been one of the greats in my opinion.rockateur said:Who's ready for Krating?
Credits: CatMatzd5
I love Singh but yes I am ready for Krating!rockateur said:Who's ready for Krating?
Credits: CatMatzd5
Sweet_JJ said:
Lol adsd, finally you're back!
It will air May 18!
040156 said:I finally had time to watch it till episode 6. I love love love love MEW she's so ADOOOORABLE! :spin: And Tik. oh god. :woot: So suave, so cool, so... MANLY. :gungirl:
I have one big problem though. Where are the golden boys?! Does this mean that supposedly Songkrod got married before (or in the middle of) Suer? I mean, I'm probably being too particular here but Suer had lots of rainy scenes, and Singh so far only has one, if I remember correctly. Under the theory that they are in the same country and the rain *probably* fell around the same area.... okay never mind, forget my theory, I love Singh.
I haven't seen enough Lakorns to be an expert on this but somehow I have a feeling thatYok and A'Un's story wouldn't end well. Someone would die. Tong wold most probably die too.
Tik_lover said:The golden boys will appear on ep8/9 I believe from reading on Manager. As you guys noticed, Parop and Kanin are close to each other. They are like the jokester of the gang, while Songklod and Tham are very close too. Which makes Songklod and Tham the leader and killer of the gang. We will see them, hopefully if there's no cutting scene like in seua where Tik was suppose to appear, We will see the golden boys at Tao Gae Soon's feneral, but I'm guessing only a little glimpse since the feneral is a major part in Hong. After that we will see them at Chua Tien Lao, since they all need to talk and plan out a plan to make all gang in Chinatown white and not black meaning good and bad. Songklod steps up to be the Prime minister of the Luerd Mungkorn gang after Tao Gae Soon, Jane's father and is chosen with the help of Tham, Parop, Kanin and Hong along with some other gang, but he had to compete with Sia Leng. So we will all see the golden boys and Janie during that scene. After that we will see them again at Chua Tien Lao for a celebration for Songklod and for planning.
It was so quiet here the past few days and on Monday night everyone's back! Haha! Hopefully Aun won't die but I have the same feeling too..D~D said:As for your prediction, i agree because....i remember there was some photo of the mafia boys wearing "ALL WHITE" and a photo of Yok kneeling at a gravestone.(awe, this is gonna be so SAD :cry: Aun is such a awesome bodyguard) i think someone said that Chinese people wear white to a funeral or something- i can't remember :scratchhead2: . i believe that's when the mafia boys comes in .
Looking forward to this too! Like all of them gathering with their wives, hubby and kids! Hopefully AhJu and Khun Tee have at least 3 kids by then.. It would be awesome to see Khun Tee carrying a baby himself while Ajhu's trying to tell the other two to stop running too much around. Haha! It looks manly to me.. Haha! Kind of like David Beckham/Victoria style..D~D said:When the time comes for "Hong series", will everyone lover show up :scratchchin: ????....for instance.... Kimberly, Mew, Cherry and Taew. If so... i wanna see Mew with a pregnant stomach or holding a :baby-scene-pop-corn: in her arms. it would be sooooooo SWEET
Darn, I'm at work with no wifi, I can't watch the teaser yet. Grr. I'll watch it when I get home. Hehe.Sweet_JJ said:Phatman you MUST watch the teaser!