Loved the video below as it showed all those scenes of Khun Tee and AhJu from the first time they met until the happily ever after....
Credit: Rania YaYa
Loved this too....
Credit: Sherri James
Sorry, didn't mean to bombard this thread with so many vids but I am just still not letting go of Khun Tee and AhJu yet. Maybe when next Mon rolls around with Ken and Cherry's story, it will be easier for me then!
Credit: Rania YaYa
Loved this too....
Credit: Sherri James
Sorry, didn't mean to bombard this thread with so many vids but I am just still not letting go of Khun Tee and AhJu yet. Maybe when next Mon rolls around with Ken and Cherry's story, it will be easier for me then!