Ok ep 9. What I loved, EVERY SCENE WITH ZOE AND BATE!!!! oh and the Sun Team as well. What I didn't love. The really dodgy action scenes, what was that car chase??? and like what 10 of Richards people against Bate? Also, I've noticed that when shooting guns in lakorns, they never seem to run out of bullets, its like an endless supply of bullets until the one crucial moment when they suddenly run out. Also I didn't like Kaew, actually I haven't liked her since the beginning, my mum said she looks "talad/baan nok" and looking at her she does kind of look like a country girl.
I feel sorry for poor Peter though, the guy is like sweating buckets, you can see it in the whole shooting scene and back at the safe house and he has to run around/fight/shoot and Margie has to hug him.
Mai full tried to confess her feelings to Bate and he didn't even react when she touched his hand, nor was he paying a lick of attention to what she was saying to him, anyone else notice that he hadn't even taken a bite of cake, he had it in his spoon but then stopped.
I'm wondering how they're gonna continue this, unless they kind of finish off this Richard, story and kind of start on something else??? Cause there are a couple of scenes from the teaser that we haven't seen yet, and I'm trying to figure out how they come in, like the scene where they both dress up and Margie wears a blonde wig and from what I've heard, Peter and Margie have to speak English during that scene, theres also the scene where she like lifts up her boobs while wearing a white dress and Peter gets a look on his face, as well as a scene where she's wearing a shower cap and for some reason jumps into his arms.
But anyways, I like how the story is going and the pacing of the romance, also I don't know if it's just me, but I'm not really noticing the age difference between Margie and Peter, like he looks a bit older than her but not 14 years older, which is basically their gap. Also unlike Margie and Chakrit where they made his age a running joke during Mon Juntra, no one has said anything about Zoe and Bate's age difference here. Uh I'm also now shipping the two of them both Zoe and Bate and Margie and Peter so hard, although for the second one not in terms of I want them to go out, but more like I want them to become koo kwan, like Margie has Boy and I love them two together, but Margie and Boy and Margie and Peter are like two different genres/categories? If that makes any sense?? Like I see Margie and Boy as more drama/romance/angst and Margie and Peter as romance/comedy/action with a tiny bit of angst.
Also P' King Somching who is the director of the drama posted up a pic on IG of that scene with the truck and Bate and Zoe kissing and I'm not really sure what that means? Like if it was ending tonight then it would have said something in the end previews right??? Oh god, I hope it doesn't end next week!!! I'm not ready to let Zoe and Bate go :cry: :cry1: :teary: